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// Important disclaimer: This chapter involves sexual and mature themes, as you may expect from this book. For anyone who does not feel comfortable with this, feel free to skip the chapter. 

For the rest of y'all dirty rascals... Don't read this at the family dinner,  as you usually do. ;)//

There it was: the wooden door, standing between me and the master bedroom with its mysterious, but welcoming glory. I didn't hesitate much to step in; just enough to put my concerns, worries, and grudges away. For the night, anyway.

One could say I was, still, a bit... salty about getting murdered in my sleep, having my privacy violated at Purgatory, getting displayed as a gift, yada yada.

Let's just say, not holding a grudge wasn't one of my strengths -nor one of my top priorities. Having gotten on better terms with Lucifer, I was still wondering if I'll ever forgive what he had done to me.

Blurring my fretful thoughts, the warmth of the fireplace-heated room stroke me as an instant ease up. Not like my heart stopped molesting my chest from the inside, trying to get out from its place... but the feel of a place that is placid at last, and a soon-to-be company that I cherish, let my tensed-up muscles rest. My eyes wandered around as if I were coming home from a long journey. The place felt alien, yet more and more comforting over time as I made my way to the cabinet. I was desperate to find my only true love for the night, for whom I've been yearning ever since mentioned: Whiskey.
I filled up three glasses perfectly even, and after placing them onto the small glass table in a welcoming, mouth-watering manner, I sat down to one of the armchairs.
The setting was rather nice, I must say. Even worthy to be on the cover of the Hell's Interior Designs – if there was such a magazine, of course.
The black cashmere-covered seats formed a semi-circle of three around the smoking table, within comfortable distance from it and each other as well. All positioned to slightly face the fireplace, one could not ask for a better view.
Or, well, I suppose that depends on the night... The king-sized bed was just a few steps away from where I was sitting, providing an ominous yet exciting stage for a possible... play.

Getting struck by a wave of nervousness – for lord knows what reason, really - I turned my head, wittingly distracting my eyes from the bed for a while. Instead, deciding to stop my examination, at last, I leaned back, so I could wait for the guests' arrival in a more comfortable position.

I thought I'd be tenser... But to be frank, when the scent of the sweet evilness of hell, and the harsh odour of the freshly opened Whiskey-bottle filled up my lungs, I was left euphoric – and with no other choice but to watch the scarlet moonlight bleed on the sublime furniture.

The faint sound of footsteps pulled me from my melting state, speeding up my heartbeat again, so I sat up straight to welcome the other two. Who, by the way, judging from how fast they were, were longing for something to drink just as much as I was.

"Good evening, Gentleman." Lucifer was the first to enter the room, already in character as a deep-voiced nobleman, ready to let his hair down after a draining day.
"Howdy, cowboy" I answered without thinking, as I've decided to be a patty bitch, whenever and wherever I may get the chance. I mean, I'm not allowed to hold a grudge tonight -consequently, I need revenge - justice, if you will – to keep myself calm, and sweetly satisfied.
So yes, just to spite him a little, I refused to participate in his little roleplay...

For the time being, at least.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not just being childish left with no result at all. On the contrary, my response seemed to have the very effect I was hoping for: Luci rolled his eyes and closed the door after Jude, without saying anything else.
A slight smile still cornering my mouth, I watched them claim the remaining armchairs as their well-deserved thrones; the one next to me became Jude's, while the one almost across from me, Lucifer's.

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