Cars Can Talk?

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As any other day, if you live in Detroit that is, you always seem to walk in on troublesome havoc when it's either down the street or in your very home.Make it worse by being the older friend of a mad genius daughter;Sari.You love her but sometimes wanna strangle her...mostly strangle...

"(Y/N)!" She comes out to only tug you off to a random direction, panic and worry in her voice "Help me find Sparkplug!We can't leave him behind!!"

Sparkplug was a very energetic key card loving robo dog.It was a present from her father so she isn't as lonely, till she deem you worthy of being her simply didn't have a choice so here you are, helping her find her replaceable pupper.

With one ear plug in you listen to Wellerman by Nathan Evans as you follow the red haired girl.It was a good song so you jammed out while looking around casually, that dog loves everyone but not you.Ha, none of the robots in Detroit themselves even like you.Makes you wonder why they hate you so bad.

"Sppaarkpluug!" Sari calls out, soon pulls out her key card as she looks under some rubble "If you come out I'll give you this delicious key card!~"

You quirk a brow, seeing it won't work "Sari it's not that easy-."

The moment a second pass in comes Sparkplug, seemingly unharmed somehow, not long happily zooms out of there after chopping down on Sari key card.Sari was surprised yet immediately got up, grab your hand once again, and both of you ran after the robo dog full of kinetic energy.Luckily it was barking on joy so it was easy to know where that little punk was at.

Little did you know Sparkplug ran outside, and like that, Sari was on him and all you could see was to younglings playing tug-a-war with her very key card.

"Ugh!Sparkplug let go!" The dog didn't so you watch with amusement..

That was till Sparkplug ditch the game and card together and leave Sari in its dust as two cars, a small yellow car and a big army green truck, approached the 12 year old girl.

"Hi little creature!My names Bulkhead, did you loose your owner bot?"

Owner bot?...what the hell dose that mean?


The yellow car jumps back in surprise and fright, as if it were a human, then it also speaks "AAH!That thing must be armed with some kind of high alarm security type of weapon!?"

"I think it's scared.."

By this time you knew she was gonna run off so, being the one always in trouble, you came over and stop her from running away in fright.Yes, talking cars are not normal, but what the hell they seem to be trying to help her then scare her.

You sigh "Sari." she kept squirming to the point you had no choice but to head lock her "Sari calm down."

Sari was a stubborn pain in the ass but stops eventually, she was clinging onto your one arm in fright, yet let go of her neck.

"Oh look!Another lost pet!"

"Don't worry we will help find you your owner bots!"

You tilt your head in confusion "I'm not a pet, neither is she.."

"B-But that little mini bot-!"

"That's her dog." You point at Sari, then at the two talking cars "By the way, who are you guys?Last time I checked cars don't talk--."


You didn't have time to grab a hold of Sari as she runs away in fear.Rubbing your temple in frustration the green truck went after her saying "Come back little creature!Don't be scared!I won't harm you!" yet the yellow car rolls over beside you.

"Is this normal for her?"

You pop your knuckles "Yes and no." not long pick up a metal pole with a sharpe end, then run after Sari "This is Sari, she is always in between."

The moment you got close you see that Sari got grabbed by this tentacle thing, her screams louder then before, now she was lift up out of your reach.Very high up actually..


You didn't know how to get up to her, trying to think of a way to get her to safely come down and far from here, hell you didn't realize the big reveal of the strange car transforms into giant bots behind you.

The yellow bot then noticed you "Hey little creature!" not long your picked up and facing him, he was smiling innocently "I'm Bumblebee and you are?"

"(Y/N)." You look over to see Sari still screaming, then face the bot that held you, and idea in your head forming "Wanna help me get a friend back?"

He grins before you find yourself on his shoulder, not long fighting the mutant alien cockroach thingy, a new song now blasting in your ears; My Sword by Jeris Johnson.It was cool to see that each robot had a unique kind of fighting style, mostly weapons, but yeah.Time to get back Sari.

"Give me.." you jump off Bumblebee's head, pole held tight in your grip, soon jabbing it deep in the creature things arm, literally slicing it off "..Sari back bitch!"

She screams, though the tentacle you slice off was not holding her, as the thing drops her after the Bulkhead hits it with a cannonball with a chain from his arm.

But she got caught by Bumblebee, not long runs off to safety...oh waite a seCOND--..

"I got you!"

Immediately your caught by a bot in themed spangled banner, not long let down after saying a quick "Thank you!" Then bolt to where you last saw Bumblebee run off to with Sari.

Sari was put down by Bumblebee so he can shoot down the flying drone, not noticing you yet, soon you got noticed by Sari and she comes over and bull doz you to the floor.


You groan yet in relief at seeing her okay "Run away from danger, not towards it dummy." not long glare at the yellow small bot " left me to die ya know that?"

He sweat drops "I-I had to get her away hehe.." not long looks down at his pedes "I'm sorry.."

You didn't yell at him yet nod.Not long he ran back to join the fight against that...thing.

That didn't stop Sari though "Come on!Up we go!" once again she drags you away into more trouble then ever.

Mostly face-to-face level with that mutanted alien hentia cockroach tentacle thingy.

Just as you were about to collapse from exhaustion you see Sari bolting to the roof.Holy hell this mother fucker is huge!Once you manage to join her you hear a car engine, like right behind y'all, not long realize it was Bumblebee as he jumps at the thing.

You both watch horrified to see that small bot get swallowed whole by the thing, soon a flashing yellow light of electric energy, then it crumbles down into pure dust.


As Sari was panicking for her new dubbed friend you see all the bots down below.Even Bumblebee.Everyone was okay and alive luckily...

"I'm guessing you wanna go meet them?" You sigh, already knowing what is to come.

She grins "ABSOLUTELY!" and like that your dragged like a rag doll to the many colorful robot beings.

One thing led to another...she begged the hell out of Bumblebee till he finally let's us go inside his car form and sneak us in.You really didn't wanna go anywhere else after this but my god..this girl will NOT let you go at all!

Maybe you should have left her screaming her head off with that cockroach thingy..

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