Snazzy Upgrade

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Fifteen minutes in, I repeat, fifteen minutes in.

Sari was causing complete hell.

It was so bad, even you tried to calm her down and keep her still, yet she keeps saying 'I wanna see!' soon making the biggest mistake of her life after pressing the horn on Bee's wheel.It was not stopping at all.

Sari panics "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod--MMHFF!"

You finally had her strap down, shutting her up, yet now it was Bumblebee who was put into a tight spot.And it was going thin.

"Muffled it can you Bee!" Prime, the spangled banner theme dude, shouts at Bee as he covered his spectors "Transform!Now!"

"O-Oh on it!"

You didn't know what he was planning but he pops open his door "I'm so sorry!" then toss ya two in like trash down a random vent.He returns back to them in his normal form but y'all?You became a human shield as you stumble down the vent, holding onto a screaming Sari, not long felt all the air in your lungs be forced out of you.That fall was not to bad but your gonna be sore for a while..

"Oh my god!(Y/N)!Are you okay--!??"

Before you could reply and she could finish something rather glowy was grabbing your guys attention...

It was a blue glowing giant orb of sorts..

You got up "What the hell?" Sari helped you stand, which you could but it was nice of her, soon getting closer "What is this thing--?"

Then it did something you two didn't expect.It began to scan the two of you, memories of you and Sari popping up, not long seeing these quick yet rather interesting images and memories flash from that orb.It didn't hurt you two yet once it was over it confused the hell out of you two.Alot.

"Okay...did it just..?"

"Communicate with us?" Sari perks up a brow, mildly confuzzled "I think it did."

Then it did it again, this time two blue light beams came out of it, going to Sari's key card and your ear pods.Once it was all gone both of your things changed dramatically.

Sari's key card was a metal key of sorts and yours?Ha, yours turned into some cool metal, yet comfy, headphones.

You quirk a brow "That's...weird."

Sari nods, checking out her new key card "Yet oddly cool" then she cross her arms and got serious at the blue orb thing "If you messed this up you owe me a new security deposit-WOAH!!"

Before you two could react your plucked up by a unknown noticed it was that star spangled banner bot.

"How did you two get aboard this ship?"

"It followed me home!" In comes Bumblebee, looking up at Prime with puppy eyes "Can I keep them?"

Sari rolls her eyes, soon crossing her arms "Hey!Were not a 'its' we are she's!"

Prime then gives Bumblebee a look of confusion, glaring him down on the spot "I suppose you have a explain?"

"Actually I am narrowing them down to my top five."


You give the two bots a weird look this time "What's with him?"

They didn't say anything else but rush somewhere, with us with them, not long in the medical bay.A black skinny bot on the table as the one that looks to be a ambulance working to keep the one on the table alive.Not long we were put down.

"The circuit states is clocked, I can't keep him stable!"

Oh that's not good to hear-.


You watch as Sari got pulled to the medical table, seeing that the key card is glowing too, not long Bumblebee helps her up.She didn't seem confident about this but the key was pulling her that way.Not long it transformed into a weird key, once put in, a glowing light was seen.It blinded everyone yet after the one who was dying gets up with a groan.He was stable and alive.

"That's..quite a cure."

Yet you laugh cause the ambulance dude was shocked, so bad his mouth is hanging open.

"Uh?..Can all she's do that!?"

Sari shakes her head "I don't even know how I did that." then looks down at you "Yours didn't do anything  weird right?"


Prime sighs, so done with everything "At this point I don't know to be surprise or not, this is far from the action against decepticons in galatic realms and the academy I have seen."

Yet the ambulance groans "It's not over yet." and he was right, Sari's father was looking for her.

"My dad is looking for me.."

This time you sigh "Yeah." Then look up at them all "Mind giving us a ride back?"

Each of them seem to agree, even though one of them could have took you two back, all of then delivered you two to the surface safely.Sari was in Ratchet as you were with Bulkhead.

"Relax." Sari hops out, then stands a few feet away from the ambulance "Your not a target."

Ratchet transformed back to his robot form "Really?And I thought I was in danger."

Ratchet jinxed himself..

"Put your hands up where I can see them."

All of y'all was stuck and surrounded by tons of cops and cop cars.Nothing to do but obey.

"Uh..?Why should we do that?" Bumblebee asked.

Sari shrugs "I don't know?I guess it makes you less scary??"

"Not really.Its a way to see if your not holding a weapon and no harm comes to them as they come close." You correct, Sari made a 'really?' look as you nod her way.

So each of them did...only it back fired cause it made then more scary then friendly.

Sari immediately interjects "Hey it's okay!They are friendly, well not the red and white one cause he kinda grumpy, but their friendly!"

"If they weren't then why are we even alive here before you all?" You jump in, adding on to Sari's plead.

That's when guns were put down as Sari's father gasped "Sari!" he comes over to embraced her, so worried "Thank goodness you are safe!"

You put your hands down "Nice to see you doc." then look over to the bots behind you "Your okay to put your arms down now!"

And they did.

Sari looks down at her feet "SOOO.." then face her father with a big slim smile "Can we keep them?"

But that question leads to you being in a completely different type of suffering;They were going to celebrate in central square of Detroit.

If anyone can think of putting you in a fancy dress that a no.Silent judgmental hell to the no.

Now put you up there on stage in front of thousands of people?

Hell to the no no no!

However Sari is forcing you to come, even her father, at this point your gonna stay home.

"Hey where you going?" That was Prowl, for he was not happy about it either, noticed you leaving so soon.

"Sari and her dad wants me to dress up and join y'all." You got some gum, soon chewing it down, then walk away "Imma fan of silence and a hint of tomboy on the side if you know what I mean?"

Prowl nods "I do."

"Cool beans." then you hop onto your motorcycle "If it makes anyone feel better I'll watch it all at home, also possibly give ya a call sometime."

He took a long second, it was hard to read what his expressions was saying, yet nods your way.

And like that your heading home.

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