Work Study pt 1

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Reader Pov

Today is the day we start our work study. Unfortunately I didn't sleep a wink last night. I know it seems dramatic but I haven't slept by myself in months and even with my Plushy I was cold and lonely. The worst part is I have to continue to be cold and lonely all week in a new bed at Ryukyu's agency. I let out a sigh as I walk to the bus stop with my bag over my shoulder. I wonder if I can stay in the same room as the girls, then we could gossip and do our nails and shit till we fall asleep. Then I'd feel less lonely at least.

Ochaco, Tsu, Nejire, and I all get the the agency around the same time and walk in together. The girls already had did a work study here before but it's my first time here so I got introduced to a few people and given a tour.

"And this is where the girls will be sleeping. " Ryukyu said opening one of the doors showing a room filled with beds.

"Ah about that, could I stay with them? I'm gay, and get lonely by myself. "

"It could be like a sleep over!" Ochaco said jumping and clinging to my arm.

"I suppose if it's ok with the girls. " Ryukyu said with a chuckle. All the girls quickly nodded in agreement with letting me stay and it was settled. We all set our bags by our chosen beds and went back out to the main room. The rest of the day was spent doing regular patrols around the area.

After our patrol was over we all flopped down on our beds exhausted.

"Wow that sure was an exciting patrol!" Negire said somehow still bubbly.

"Heh yeah, I suppose. "

"And it was great to work with you [Y/N] your so strong!"

"Thanks, you girls did good too. "

"Is it true your gay?"

"Uh yeah."

"OH how fun! Are you dating anyone?"

"I uh-" just as I was about to answer my phone goes off.

"That's probably him now." Tsu chuckles. I quickly pull out my phone to Katsuki requesting face time and hurry to the bathroom for some privacy.

"Hey babe." I answer.

"Hey Teddybear, how was your first day?"

"Exhausting but good, how about yours?"

"Nothing I can't handle. Saw your favorite bird on patrol."

"My favorite...oh do you mean Hawks? Don't tell me you're still jealous." I teased him.

"Tsk why would I be jealous, I'm clearly why better then he is."

"Of course you are baby. Anyway what was he like?"

"He got in my way and kept talking about some book, it was annoying."

"Annoying huh, well Tsu did say I have a type."

"What's that supposed to mean huh! We're nothing alike damnit! That bird brain wishes he could compare to me!"

"Right right" I laughed "I miss you Katsuki. "

"What can't last one day without me?" He said, his voice suddenly soft.

"You know I can't, that's why I got that Bakugou Plushy."

"Heh yeah I got my Plushy too."

"Not worried about what the others might say? "

"Tsk if anyone dares to say anything I'll blast their head off."

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