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Narrater aizawa: this is the report of the USJ attack committed by the league of villains and midoriyas kidnapping by vilgaxs bounty hunters the hero course class 1A was involved in rescue training and got involved in the incident and just as the training began they showed up the league of villains used a wrapping quirk to separate the students the class teacher aizawa and thirteen and class 1A fought against the villains however thirteen and aizawa were both gravely injured by the villains 2 toughest allies and were left out of the fight afterwards izuku midoriya the leader of class 1A fought off the nomu to protect his classmates then the teacher all might joined the battle defeating the nomu while midoriya defeated the leagues leader tomura shigaraki to put an end to the battle but in the process midoriya was going to murder him to save him from himself but when 3 unknown villains showed up he was too exhausted to fight back and all might didn't have any power left to save him then vice commander iida contacted the remaining professional heroes and teachers to the incident but were too late to save him in the process all mights secret was revealed to everyone in class 1A and they all understood the problem then almost an hour later a being not from our world named azmuth showed up out of nowhere and told them that there leader is fighting to survive to see them then at the same time a huge explosion was heard from above the sky then came falling was there fierce leader safe and sound at the end of the day he told them his secret about the source of his powers and his story of how he ended up with an alien watch known as the omnitrix because he trust everyone of them showing that they all are worthy heroes as a result 2 teachers were gravely injured and 1 kidnapping was his own hero but the first year students that managed to overcome the incident and left with great experience however UA must regain the trust of the people we are an entity that trains the future of there defenders of our society maybe 3 years is a too short time so to keep it present we apologize for having the families worried of there young future heroes but we hope to continue counting with your trust and support sincerely hero class 1A homeroom teacher shota aizawa

Narrater deku: 4 weeks have passed since the attack then class 1A are about to train once more we went to the USJ

(The USJ)

Suddenly thirteen up and spirited: well that happened but class is class

The students in there most of there costumes are surprised and worried for her injuries

Thirteen: so lets begin the rescue training

Uraraka: are you ok thirteen shouldn't you be resting

The rescue hero turns a bit: my back hurts a bit but its nothing compared to aizawas

Aizawa looking like a mummy with the bendanages: we are ready to begin class lets start already

He turns and walks down the stairs: we're wasting time

Midoriya: hey aizawa what about all might isn't he supposes to be here where is he

The teacher continues walking: i don't know forget about him

Midoriya confused his head: wait did those 2 have a fight or something

(The mountain zone)

Thirteen: lets start with the rescue training there'll be 3 students at the bottom 1 of them will be unconscious the other will have an injured leg and the last will be very worried

Everyone looks down at the deep cliff

Denki and kirishima: WHOA

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