chapter 3 - not one of your girls

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I had calmed down a bit and dragged my bike home. It had gotten dark outside, and it started to rain. I walked quite fast, but my clothes were completely soaked by the time I got home. A thunderstorm was on its way. I took my wet shoes off and went into the bathroom to get the water out my hair. I was a total mess. And I was so freezing cold. I took my wet clothes of and tied a towel around me. I had mascara smeared under my eyes, so I splashed some water on my face to clear it away. I went to my room to find myself some dry clothes.

"Hey baby" brad sat on my bed and flashed a smug smile at me. Somehow I had forgotten that he was there. I shrieked. My room, I had noticed, was tidied up. The books on my bookshelf were nicely arranged and my carpet was vacuumed. He had also made a jug of tea and lit up a few candles in my room. It was quite cosy, I must admit, but there was something about him just coming in there and rearranging all of my stuff that made my crazy mad.

"Look, I don't know what the hell you think you are doing, but its not working" i yelled "please stop moving all of my things, stop calling me baby and just stop talking to me, understood?!"

Brad looked at me in shock. I supposed he hadn't expected my to burst out like that. I was quite proud og myself.

"Well, I suppose I ought to apologise, [Y/N], but-"

"But? Oh you should apologise, alright, you can't just sit there with your candles and your tea and pretend that its okay. This is still my room, my house, and you dont get to just burst in like that"

"Well you must admit, you're sending me all sorts of mixed signals, darling"

"Oh please stop calling me darling! And when have I ever sent you any signal indicating that i want anything else from you than for to get the hell out of my home?!"

"You're the one whos standing here naked" he smirked. In my rage, I had forgotten that I wasn't wearing anything but a towel. I rolled my eyes, and hurried to my dresser to pick out something to wear.

"You can't deny it, baby, sooner or later you'll have to admit that you want me"

"Want you? Who the hell do you think you are? You're an idiot and a creep, and the only thing I'll ever want from you is for you to go"

"I cant just go, darling, you need me, and the moment I leave you'll be begging me to come back"

"Seriously, who do you think you are? I'm not gonna be one of those girls who sleeps with you just so you can move on to the next one right away"

"Those are quite harsh assumptions, dont you think, [Y/N]?"

"Am i wrong though? I know guys like you. The ones who call you baby and smirk at you and all that"

"Look, darling, I may have made my share of mistakes in the past, but you and I? We have something special, baby. I know we do"

"Oh will you shut up already?!" I grabbed my clothes and stormed out of my room "i hate you brad! I truly hate you!" I screamed. 

The Good, The Brad and The Ugly [Brad Pitt x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now