chapter 15 - two weddings and a funeral

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They say that when you die your whole life flashes in front of your eyes. But that's bullshit. Let me explain. It all started with a white dress.

"Do I look beautiful, [Y/N]?" asked Angelina, flipping her silky hair over her shoulder and flashing me a smile.

"Angie, you look stunning" I smiled at her and she wrapped her arms around me,

"I have no idea what I would do without you, [Y/N]" Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. I let go of Angelina and hurried to open the door, "Hello stranger" laughed Brad at me, "Heyy, what's up" I asked making sure he wouldn't see Angelina who stood behind me. He didn't. That was until I realised that I wasn't really there, "Brad?" I said, but he looked right through me passing me by and walking into the room and planting a kiss on Angelina's lips making her blush. I clenched my hands around my belly - it had gotten big; I was two weeks away from my due date.

"I'm sorry Angie" Brad said, "I have no idea what happened, if I knew we'd have what we have now, I never would have slept with [Y/N]. I love you"

"I love you too" laughed Angelina kissing Brad, "And you know I'm fine with it, I mean, it is in the past"

"It is"

I turned away, closing my eyes. I was panting and my palms were sweaty. I left the room and made my way down the dimly lit hallway, as an ecstatic scream interrupted my thoughts,

"Aww thank you so much, Cameron! We really do appreciate your fine toast" laughed Jessica turning over to her new husband and laughing with him

"My pleasure Jess, thank you, for making me your braid of honour" a dozen or so people laughed, and as I turned my head to find myself standing in the middle of a stunning wedding reception. And there they were. Jessica and Mr Schneider. Jessica's dress was absolutely beautiful; eggshell white with a floral pattern. Her hair tied into a neat bun and her makeup done perfectly.

"Heyy what do you think you're doing young lady"

"I'm sorry- I'm so sorry" I muttered to the lady I had bumped into. My contractions were getting bad. I felt dizzy.

And then there was silence. I noticed that I was laying down. The smell of wet soil filled my nostrils as I gathered strength to get up and look around. It was cloudy and grey and a small group of people stood gathered in the middle of the cemetery. I got up with ease, noticing that my bump was gone; had I given birth? I felt drunk. I slowly made my way towards the group; but before I got there they had all disappeared. It was raining now. The thick raindrops piercing through my cold skin. I walked up to the gravestone fearing the worst and yet somehow I was in a deep state of shock when I read my name carved into the dark grey headstone. I looked around me. My vision was blurry and the street lamps were turning into church candles. I was certain I heard voices but they may just have been echoes of my own thoughts. I tried to take a step towards them, but not being able to carry my own strength, I collapsed onto the hard stone flooring. 

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