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At home

Jihyuns pov

I sit on the couch next to jimin "hyung what are you doing?" he looks at me "talking to a girl" I slap the phone out his hand "I know someone who actually has a HUUUUUUGE crush on you!" he looks at me "who?"

I smirk "you won't like what I tell you" he glares at me "what girl is it?" I laugh "who said anything about a girl?" he looks at me "what? But I'm not gay" I shrug "bisexual is also a thing y'know"

He huffs "just tell me! Now Park jihyun!" I nod "I will if you make your little fuck buddies to stop bullying jungkook" he huffs "why? And why did you emphasise his name like that?" I shrug "no reason. Tell them to stop bullying him! Right now!"

He huffs and then pulls out his phone and texts some people and then chucks his phone next to him "there! Done. Now tell me who" I stand up "I already have" I run to my room and scream when jimin runs after me.

I close and lock my door and laugh when he bangs on my door "YOU OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW OR I'LL BREAK IT DOWN!"


I laugh and the whole house goes silent when there is a knock on the door. I gasp a little when appa tells "JIHYUN!! YOUR FRIEND IS HERE!" I open my bedroom door and sprint past jimin and to the front door

I gasp seeing jungkook stood there. My eyes widen "hey kook" he steps back "sorry to suddenly show u-"

"how do you know where we live?" jimin walks to the door

Jungkook gulps "u-u-um-" I huff "I told him.stop being a bitch jimin" I shove him out the way, he rolls his eyes and walks to the kitchen and i smile "how can I help you Kookie?" he giggles a little and holds a book out to me. I tilt my head

He looks down "jimin chucked it at me today...i thought I should give it back. Its his English book" I nod "well give it back to him" Jungkook looks at me scared. I nod "come on in" I pull him inside and he gulps.

I pull him to the kitchen and jimin scoffs "oh great. He's inside my house now" appa slaps the side of his head "be kind Park jimin"

Jungkook walks to jimin and jimin turns to him and his eyes darken "what?" jungkook looks down and holds out the book "you-you need t-this... For-for class" jimin snatches the book from him "now get out"

Eomma huffs "Park jimin!!" jungkook nods "y-yes sir" he rushes to the door but I grab the back of his shirt "nope." he whines a little "I need to go" jimin huffs "yes jihyun. He needs to go.now"

I huff "jimin don't kick your boyfriend out!"
Eomma and appa gasp "oh goodness!! Let's all have dinner! We can get to know your boyfriend better"

Jungkook sighs and mumbles "welp.. Life was fun while it lasted.."

I look at jimin and see him getting angrier and angrier "yes. Why don't me and my boyfriend have a little chat in the bedroom until dinner?" jungkook whimpers a little and then sighs "my.. My fish needs walking I can't stay! Lovely meeting you!!"

He sprints out the house and I glare at jimin "you're an asshole" jimin nods "I try my best~" he ruffles my hair and then lowers his voice "you and your little bumbuddie are dead tomorrow lunch" my eyes widen and he then walks to his room..

That.... Did not go as planned...

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