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Jihyuns pov

I walk home and see Jimins motorbike out the front of our parents house. I gulp "uh oh..."
I walk inside and see jimin handcuffed to the chair. He glares at me "you told eomma?"

I nod "I don't fancy dying today so yeah obviously.. I knew youd come around here to murder me so I told her" he glares at me "fuck you"

I smirk "fuck jungkook instead~" I scream when he suddenly manages to break the handcuffs and run towards me. I scream "EOMMA!! THE BEAST IS FREE!!! HELP ME!!" I scream and run away from jimin as he chases me

I gasp when he manages to catch me. I fall onto the floor and he sits on my stomach pinning me down

why did you write it about me and HIM?!"

"I dunno... You two would be a cute couple"

He glares at me "well we'll never be a fucking couple! Or even friends!! So delete it!" I shake my head "no! And you should treat him nicer!" he stands up "awww are you two little fuckbuddies now?"

I glare at him "no, but I know how it feels to be bullied every day" his eyes widen "what?" I nod "I've been bullied before! And you saved me! Don't you remember?!!" he gasps "that was years ago.."

I nod "but I remember it like it was yesterday! Because it was painful! Don't you remember how much I wanted to die because of how much I was bullied?!! That's how jungkook feels! And I'm sick of it now!"

He scoffs "how much is he paying you to stop me bullying him? He sucking your dick?" I shove him back "stop being so fucking mean jimin!! He's done nothing to you!!!"

He rolls his eyes "fine! I'll stop being so mean to him! But I'm not gonna be friends with the little slut" I roll my eyes "you're a dick you know that?" he smirks "I try my best little brother~" he ruffles my hair

He then slaps my forehead "delete that book or I'll shove your phone right up your ass so it comes out your throat" he then walks away from me and to the kitchen

ATLEAST he'll stop being so mean to jungkook..
That's a good first step..

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