good morning America

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As I sit here  I feel the silence. I feel incomplete. I wonder what now .
Stay tuned this just coming in repeating Good morning Vietnam stay tuned for breaking news as Robin Williams said Good morning Vietnam good morning Afghanistan. It isn't even August 31st and yet here we are August 30th one day ahead but no they never said August 31st Afghanistan time. Like this is groundhog's Day but it's not. Like I've been through this before. I mean this has been going on since I was 15 30 plus years.
My heart's broken just a little bit  and sad and scared  . For  all those Americans left behind  fighting for there lives in Afghanistan today.  I pray for them to get out  . Maybe it's because my grandparents were in the military or because  of the  Seabees …I know  who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan and helped  build up  the  country. By their own sweat and blood as they built playgrounds and basketball courts as I sent candy to them and they got in fights over Reese pieces.What happened to all those basketball courts now and all those dreams all those kids had of being the next Superstar and all the girls… are they even there or  are they training to take down Americans on those courts. or maybe it's because In high school I won a award for the American legion  about a piece I wrote for Vietnam  .or maybe that's just who I am. A sensitive gal who feels the pain  and the loss of something big .  This is a turning point and I cried just a little in hearing   the story of the Afghanistan who had his phone broken and beat up and the Americans who  can't get out of the country and told they can't guarantee safe passage to the airport sorta puts  everything in life  in perspective.  losing a kitty feels a little less  important then fighting for your life .? Right!
I was two years old when Vietnam ended  and they helicoptered out of there. Some how this feels so surreal and I wonder if my niece will see history repeating itself too. I feel like it’s a Time loop like all we have is time loops over and over again and you can’t get past the loop or are we in The matrix and all this is just fake… To all the vets who fought in Afghanistan thank u from the bottom of my heart . Sleep well tonight .folks u never know what tomorrow will bring .stay safe  and prayers  to those just trying figure this out. What’s next and are we on a break.

With this break now  I realize why I was so upset with this ,when the war is now officially ended because I was 2 when Vietnam ended too young to really know but still young enough to be influenced by the war rallies going on around me.probably wearing tie-dyed shirts and being that cute little kid that everyone was like ah…and proud that their mom brought them to the rally. yeah I was that kid fighting for freedom ever since I was little …then even in high school when we had the first  Afghanistan war with Clinton, desert Storm I remember it well. I  went around the block with my little candle because I was too shy ,and that’s a big city block in the suburbs of Pittsburgh but I went around the big city block and I even wrote a little poem about Vietnam and about the desert Storm and saying what about girls now. What are we going to do yeah cuz now girls can go to war unlike Vietnam and in fact just recently the 13 that died a  couple were females so it's all very sad ,but if you can picture me at 15 rather all by myself just walking along like a goofball but I had a purpose I did.The purpose was just to show that I cared and to send my vibes to the universe. I'm still that same goofball kid but this is why I'm so sad now because I gave my whole entire mind and body and soul. To fight against it. 30 plus years of war. I’m sure there was breaks in between and yeah they were on a break right we can say that with the laugh and a giggle but guess what not really they weren't on a break no Sir.I mean we destroyed that country and we left it and we are responsible for what happened we should have stayed. Top commanders you know and rotate out or something but thank God the Russians are still there maybe that was God’s plan don’t you know. The Russians are coming the Russians are coming maybe they’ll be more scared of the Russians. I just don't know but I do know this yeah they were on a break in Afghanistan like for a few years and they can do whatever they want when they’re on a freaking break but still we don’t deserve to destroy a country on a break. I guess we're on a break  again…just a temporary break anything can happen on a break. I will see what happens on this break cuz they’re country is a mess. Something is for sure ,Starbucks will close McDonald’s will close.  Do they even eat meat…thats India just kidding .I do know the difference , between Iraq and Afghanistan like that country song says. But seriously can we be serious just for a second my heart's broken I've said it before and I'll say it again my little pee-picking heart is broken. Where were you in the  when the world stopped turning to quote another country song and yes I love country. You can tell that already I’m not the typical country gal and I do know the difference between Iraq and Afghanistan so whatever on that .But where were you seriously when the world stopped turning ?I want to know.I was at home working from home because of covid my life had changed completely and I’m not going to lie I cried a little bit when I watched the news again. and of course I remember where I was at 9/11 when the world stopped turning then. almost 20 years ago I mean those kids did not have to die  those unlucky 13..and I said kids I mean they were 20 one of them had a kid of his own they should not have died they didn't even know what 911 was. but they did give their freedom  and their lives so that peace could be created and Afghans could get out so hopefully a few babies got out because of them and didn’t get trampled you know. I don’t mean to be vulgar but I mean it does look like a rock concert all those people but they're not there for rock and roll music they’re there for their freedom. I don’t think we can put Western values on them.  Yeah clear out the Starbucks clear out the McDonald's. I know they’re cheering in the streets hip hip hooray the Americans are gone but they got another thing coming the Russians are there the Russians are there. I bet you never thought to say praise God the Russians are there and thank you God for all the brave Americans that stayed hopefully there are a few going through tunnels as I watched on Fox News creating tunnels to get the Afghans and Americans. all the people just the average American citizens well not average military average American citizens who couldn’t stand by even though they were told don’t come they came. So thank you Oliver North. As Americans have dueling presidents American president Trump and American President Biden doing it out one checking his watch as 13 soldiers came home and one telling the world I would have done it different.  They are sending  Afghans to Texas and Virginia Republican states .Only  time will tell what will happen. And  what culture shock for the women and men a Starbucks in every corner.And women are free to be who they want to be. Yes  only time will tell how this will all turn out ,meanwhile Mexicans are welcoming Afghans in another twist to the border wars. Again only time will tell what will happen here. So I will end my rant here just saying they were not on a break even if they took little breaks here and there it’s been even 30 plus years since that little girl in the suburbs of Pennsylvania rallied and protested all by herself and here she sits rallying and protesting by herself yet again at 47 crying just a little drop of tears wondering what's next. Ask yourself as they get settled , is  a break good or not, are we on a break or not. Now Afghanistan’s can watch countless episodes of friends and learn English and maybe even countless episodes of Seinfeld. Yae happy 9/11 day is that even a day it should be if it's not, so we can  remember the red bandana man who risked his life remember  and remember the   13 who died to end the war. Praise God even if you’re not religious stand up, praise God don’t kneel say hip hip on 9/11 we can order as many Starbuck frappuccinos as we want. For freedom. By the way why isn't 9/11 a holiday I guess because we don't want it commercialized  maybe ,you can just see it now just another day happy 9/11 day and 20 years get your free car get a discounted car get a free coffee just another reason to get drunk so maybe it’s better not to have a holiday ,so we can be serious and remember… just saying with a wink and  smile and a nod. Good morning America…war is done…that’s… That’s all folks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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