(Probably) Not The Best Time

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Utter chaos.

Shinsou didn't know where to look or what exactly he should be doing. No one could really blame him. While many of Class 1-A and even Class 1-B had been in actual fights against villains, Shinsou was completely green.

Not to mention, like his mentor Mr. Aizawa, he didn't really have a quirk that translated well into chaotic battle. He would likely do much better in an underground capacity, just as the erasure hero did.

Still, here he was right in the center of an unexpected attack and he couldn't really afford to just stand around and wait for someone to tell him what to do. He decided that he would do best on the outskirts of the battle, picking off any villains that might decide running away was the best option.

The only thing Shinsou felt he really had going for him was that, unlike Midoriya and Bakugou and the others, none of the villains knew his quirk. That would make things easier.

To an extent, anyway.

Moving back, Shinsou did his best to swallow down the feeling that he needed to be doing more. He reminded himself that none of them would appreciate him getting in the way... or worse, getting caught or hurt. Instead, he chose to watch the fighting closely, scanning for any places where he might be able to be a support rather than a burden.

Unfortunately, his scanning turned into Shinsou seeking out the very last person he should be seeking out at that moment.

Dark violet eyes locked on a short form decked out in green, quite nearly head to toe. The brainwashing hero watched as his friend jumped and spun and dodged and attacked at one villain after another.

Though he was worried about all of his classmates and yearmates, the gnawing in his gut was due to Izuku Midoriya and Izuku Midoriya alone.

Scoffing at himself for even letting his feelings get involved at such an inappropriate time, Shinsou forced himself to look elsewhere. He had sharp eyes and if someone was in trouble he could use his capture gear to assist or get them to safety in moments.

He wished the battle wasn't so chaotic. If it wasn't, he could allow himself to get closer with no fear of being in the way. Then he could listen to the voices of the villains and use his voice modulator accordingly.

He sighed, continuing to hold his position.

That was, until something caught his eye.

Shinsou's gaze honed in on the movement and what he saw had his stomach dropping. Midoriya had missed his mark and hit hard concrete with a sickening crunch. Only to stand and try again but this time the new villain was ready for him and threw him hard into a low bearing cement wall.

And of course that idiot got up as if he was going to go at him again but it was clear that the battle and the villains he'd already fought had severely worn him down.

Without thinking, Shinsou was dashing toward the other teen, weaving in and out of the chaos. He had his capture weapon in his hand and then it was soaring before he could even catch up. He was a little surprised to find that he had aimed it at Midoriya instead of the villain. A quick instinctive tug and Midoriya was pulled toward him.

He caught the other and rushed them back to the outskirts before the large villain even knew what was happening. Apparently one of those more brawn than brain types but Shinsou couldn't be bothered to care. Not when that helped him and it didn't even really matter anyway.

All that mattered was that his... friend... all that mattered was that Midoriya was safe.

"Wha-? Huh? Shinsou?"

Shinsou sighed and glanced over his head to make sure the villain hadn't noticed where the hero he'd been fighting had gone. Only when he was sure they were relatively safe did he regard Midoriya.

"You're welcome. Or did you really not notice how beat up you were becoming?"

"I'm fine! I need to get out there and help our friends!"

"I know, Deku," Shinsou said, using Midoriya's hero name to drive the point home. He really did understand. It was, after all, why he was so damn frustrated.

"Then let me go!"

"I will... just... just wait. Rest for a damn second. You need to stop overdoing it. That's when you get really hurt. I..."

He shut his mouth and looked back at the fight that raged on.

"I don't want to see my friends--" You. "--get hurt, Deku."

Midoriya sighed. Shinsou glanced back to see the other offering an apologetic smile.

"I didn't mean to worry you, Shinsou," he said, his tone apologetic but there was something else there too. Something the brainwashing hero couldn't quite put his finger on.

Instead of focusing on that, he just scoffed and scuffed the ground under his foot.

"S'fine. You're just being you." He flashed a teasing grin. "Annoying."

"Yeah. Not the first time I've heard that. It probably won't be the last."

Shinsou nodded. He glanced at the fight again, unable to allow his gaze to linger on the other boy for long.

"Thank you."

Shinsou looked back at the other, his eyes widening. He wasn't expecting to be thanked.

"Yeah..." he brought a hand up to rub at the back of his neck. "S'nothing."

He looked at the other again. Midoriya was beaming at him and he couldn't help but smile back at him.

Suddenly there was a shout for assistance from someone and both Midoriya and Shinsou looked to see what had caused it.

Bakugou and Kirishima seemed to be struggling with the same villain Midoriya had tried to handle on his own.

Looking back at Midoriya, he sighed.

"Just don't do anything reckless, Midoriya," Shinsou begged as he loosened the binds and pulled them away. He wrapped them around his neck and shoulders once more. "Promise me."

Midoriya nodded and beamed. "Mmhm. I promise!"

"Good. Go." He watched as Midoriya started to leave but had his hand around the other's wrist to pull him back. "Because I'm not sure I'll ever have the courage to do this again..."

A moment later, Shinsou pressed his lips to Midoriya's, eyes shut tight. There was a pause along with a gasp but then Midoriya was kissing him back.

Midoriya. Was. Kissing. Him. Back.

Shinsou released Midoriya's wrist and arms wrapped around his neck as Shinsou wrapped his own around Midoriya's waist. The shorter male deepened the kiss and Shinsou gasped breathlessly, giving Midoriya the opening he needed to slip his tongue into Shinsou's mouth. They kissed a little longer before Shinsou pulled away, albeit reluctantly, knowing the others needed Midoriya in the fight.

"We are discussing this at length later, Hitoshi," Midoriya said, his kind gaze locked with Shinsou's.

Shinsou allowed his signature smirk to slip over his lips, trying his best to keep the worry and fear from his eyes.

"I look forward to it, Izuku. Now go."

Midoriya leaned in to kiss his cheek before rushing back into the battle, joining Bakugou and Kirashima, much to Bakugou's dismay.

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