Chapter 2: Hobi's Confession

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After dinner was over, Yoongi called for a cab for the two of you to ride over to the club in to meet with Hobi.
You two sat in silence most of the way, so you leaned your head against the cab window and let the coolness touch your forehead. Yoongi leaned over and pulled your head away from the window and onto his shoulder.
"Dont tell me you are drunk already babe..." he sighs as he runs his fingers through your hair.
"Mm, no." you say as you close your eyes.
"I think you are." he says and kisses your forehead. "Maybe we should go home instead of to the club. We can meet with Hoseok another time."
You look up to him and into his eyes. He smiles at you and leans your head back down on his shoulder.
"But I want to see Hobi...." you sigh quietly and close your eyes again.
You can hear his smile as he leans his head against yours. "I want to see him too. But you are not gonna get too out of hand are you?"
You shake your head no.
"Good. I want you somewhat coherent when we have the conversation with him."
"Are you nervous?" you ask him.
"No. I am not nervous at all. He says no, he says no. Thats all there is too it." he shurgs.
"You think it will ruin our friendship with him?"
"Nah, I dont think so. You know him as well as I do, he isnt going to let something like this affect him like that."

After a few more minutes of riding in the cab, you two were finally at the club. You sat up excitedly and did a happy dance while Yoongi paid the driver. After he walked around to the passenger side and opened the door for you, you nearly sprang out of the car and almost tripped.
"Whoa steady babe..." Yoongi says as he catches you and helps you stand back up. "Are you sure you arent drunk already?" he laughs.
"No I am just excited. Its been awhile since we have seen Hobi. He hardly ever calls anymore either." you pout.
"Dont pout." he says pinching her bottom lip. "Hes been busy. We all have."
"Yea but you two get to be busy together. It isnt fair."
"Why are you being such a child right now?"
"Im not Yoongi..."you say as you both walk towards the door.
"You are a bit..." he says taking your hand in his. "Come on, lets go find Hoseok." he says as he leads you inside.
Just as you two walk in the door, you both are bombarded with hugs from Hoseok.
"Hobi" you say happily as he kisses your cheek.
"YN! Yoongi! Its been too long my friends."
"Oh much for a coherent conversation." Yoongi says as he rolls his eyes.
You look over to him and giggle and shake your head. "What I am being serious." he says shrugging his shoulders. "Maybe I ought to leave you to have the conversation with him, he would probably understand it better that way since you are both drunk." he says as he walks away.
"What......just happened?" Hobi says looking to you confused.
You roll your eyes and lead him over to the longue area. "Hes in a mood I suppose. He will come back if he wants to be with us." you shrug as you sit down.
"What do you want to drink?" he ask as one of the bartenders walks over to you both.
"Jack with cola I guess."
"Make it two." he smiles at the bartender who nods and walks away.
"Are you two fighting?"
You shake your head no and sit back. "Not that I know of, everything was fine when we had dinner. Until I got excited when we got here. He says I was acting childish."
"Oh...hmmm...I dont know then. But sounds like typical moody Yoongi."
You roll your eyes again and take your drink from the bartender when he returns with them.
"Cheers my friend!" Hoseok exclaims happily.
You smile and raise your glass. "Cheers to you Hobi." you say and down the drink.
"So..." Hoseok says as he sits the glass down onto the table. "I wanted to talk to you about something." he says leaning over to you.
"Ohhh wait, can we dance first. I love this song!" you say standing up and extending your hand out to Hoseok.
"Hmm?" Hoseok says as he notices its a slow song. "But its a slow song..." he says taking your hand and standing up.
"And? We dance together all the time. Dont be shy now." you say leading him out onto the dance floor.
"Im not...its just..." he says trailing off as he wraps his arms around you waist, and you both began to sway slowly to the song that was playing. "Yoongi..."
"I dont think he cares, Hobi. Yea hes territorial and all, but if you were really a threat to us, he wouldnt let you fuck me. Without him." you say booping his nose with your fingertip.
Hoseok blushed a little at her saying this and he looked away from her eyes.
"Is it like that with the others too?" he asks curiously. You shake your head no. "Nope. Just you." you smile at him. He nods his head and sighs.
"Whats wrong?" you say as you lean your head on his chest.
"I feel bad..."
"Why? Theres no reason for you to feel bad." you say looking back up at him.
"I do though. I feel bad." he says letting go of you.
"Again, why? Come on tell me, you can tell me anything."
"I love you...." he blurts out.
You smile and kiss his cheek. "I love you too Hobi."
"No, not in the friendship way. Or whatever you wanna call what we have. I love you, like, I wanna be with you, love you."  he says rubbing the back of his head.
"Oh....?" you say looking up at him.
"Oh? Thats all you have to say, is oh?" he sighs heavily and walks back over to where they were sitting.
"Hoseok..." you say as you follow him. "I didnt mean it in a bad way. I promise."
"Then what did you mean?" he asks curiously.
"I dont know if I should talk about it without Yoongi. It was his idea really...." you say looking down at the table.
"What was my idea?" Yoongi says, running his arm acorss your shoulders. He has a bottle of soju in one hand and 3 shot glasses in the other.
You nod your head over to Hoseok as he sits in betweeen you two.
"Ahh..." he says as he pours each of you a shot. "Here Hoseok, have a shot." he says handing him the shot glass.
"You are in a better mood..." he says taking the glass from him.
"Yea I got over it." Yoongi says as he hands you a shot. "Cheers." he says and takes his shot. You and Hoseok exchange a look, and then drink yours down as well.
"So...Hoseok.....back to what we were talking about...." you trail off as he looks at you as if to say, no dont say it. "Just hear me out for a second...." you say reassuringly. "Yoongi, tell him what you were telling me earlier at dinner."
Yoongi rolls his eyes at you and looks over to Hoseok. "We want you to be in the relationship with us." Yoongi blurts out casually.
"Im sorry what..." Hoseok says as he looks between the two of you.
"See I told you he wasn't going to like this being sprung on him." you say as you nudge Yoongi's side.
"Would you stop..." he says. "What were you two talking about while I wasnt around?" he continues as he pours you each another shot.
Hoseok looks over to you, and you smile and nod. "Its okay." you say reassuringly.
"I uh, I was just telling her that I loved her. More than a friend."
"Really?" says Yoongi looking over his glass at Hoseok with a raised eyebrow.
"Yoongi dont intimidate him..." you say.
"If you think hes afraid of me, then you really dont know him at all." Yoongi says looking over to you and drinking down his shot.
"Anyways...the point here is, theres clearly a connection between the 3 of us. So...Hobi, do you want to be with me and Yoongi or not? Its okay if you say no. Dont feel pressured."
Yoongi leans back onto the couch as he looks over to Hoseok.
"This isnt some kind of sick trick is it?" Hoseok says leaning forward.
"No." Yoongi says bluntly. "Would it make you feel more comfortable if we took you home with us, like any other night?"
"Yes...." Hoseok says as he stands up.
"Fine then. Lets go back to our place then." Yoongi says as he holds out his hand for you. You take it happily as you take Hoseok's hand as well.
"Lets go...." you say and lead them both out the door.

You, Me, and Hobi (Yoongi/Reader/Hobi)✔️Where stories live. Discover now