Chapter 11: Vacation Pt. 5

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***A/N: Yoongi and Hobi FLUFF, sign me up please :'> ******

Later that evening you wake up to an arm pulling you close to someones chest. You peak your eyes open to see Hobi looking down at you with a smile.
"Did you nap well?" he asks running his fingers through your hair.
"Mm. Where's Yoongi?" you asks curiously leaning up a bit to look around the room.
"I think he went to the store. He was saying sometning about getting something for dinner. I was still half awake when he left." he laughs pulling you back down to lay with him.
"Is everything okay now?" you ask through a slight yawn and curling back into his chest.
"What do you mean?"
"With you and Yoongi. And being with us. Is everything okay?"
"I think it is." he says holding you tightly.
"I sure hope so Hobi. I cant bare to lose either of you." you say looking up at him as he leans down to kiss you gently on the lips.
Just then the bedroom door flings open and the two of you look up to see Yoongi running inside. "Hey you two should get up and get dressed and come downstairs. There is like a carnival thing going on. And I know she loves those things, so we should all go down there for a bit."
"Really? You want to go to a carnival?" Hobi says with a raised eyebrow at Yoongi. "Of all people, Min Yoongi wants to go to a carnival?"
"Shut up Hobi." Yoongi says walking over and grabbing his chin. "Sometimes you gotta suck it up and do the things you dislike for the ones you love." he smiles and kisses him.
"Fair enough." Hobi says with a laugh.
You roll your eyes at the two of them. "Honestly, you two never change." you say as you get up and head to the closet to find some clothes.
"Yah, whats that mean..." Yoongi says walking over to you and grabbing you by the waist.
"Nothing Yoongi." you giggle.
"Liar." he says kissing you on the cheek.

After everyone is dressed and ready to go, Hobi and Yoongi are already out the door, but you stand at the door frame and hesitate for a moment. They both stop and turn to you wirh worried expressions.
"Do you not want to go now?" Yoongi asks, his arms folded across his chest.
"Its not that, I want to go....but every time we go out, you two fight. And you left last time. I dont want to do it again." you say looking to the floor and avoiding both of their eyes.
Yoongi looks over to Hobi with a raised eyehrow and shakes his head.
"Why are you shaking your head at me. You left." Hobi says through a chuckle.
Yoongi rolls his eyes as he walks over to you and grabs your hand. "I wont leave again. I promise." he says kissing your cheek.
"I am done being afraid. I promise we wont fight this time." Hobi says as he grabs your other hand.
"Fine, but if either of you break your promises, I will break your faces." you say playfully punching each of them.

As the three of you finally make it down to the carnival, your face begins to light up with excitment when you see all the rides.
"Hobi, lets ride that one together!" you say grabbing his arm and pulling him towards a rocking ride.
"Absolutely fucking not..." Hobi says as he pulls his arm away in protest.
"Why not?" you frown at him.
"You know damn well I dont like heights." he says looking up at the ride that was gaining momentum the more it went back and forth. Just then it stopped as the tip of the ride got into the air and held its postion for a few moments. Causing Hobi's face to turn pale and his jaw to drop.  "Oh my god, that looks frigthening just standing here on the ground...." he gasps.
"Come on Hobi, for me pleaaasseeeeee." you say like a small child that isn't getting their way.
"Yea Hobi, pleassseeee" Yoongi says mockingly through a laugh.
"Why doesnt he have to go?" Hobi says pointing over to Yoongi.
"Because I asked you, now come on." you say grabbing his hand and leading him over to the ticket booth for the ride.
Yoongi laughs and waves to the pair of you as you both climb the stairs to the ride and take your seats as one of the workers straps the safety belts over the two of you.
"Do you need to hold my hand?" you say holding up your hand to Hobi.
"No. I will be brave." he says through a nervous smile as he looks over to you.
"Ooo, you are really cool right now Hobi. Its okay, lers face the fear together." you say as the ride starts.
Once it gets higher in the air, you grab Hobi's hands and put them up in the air with yours.
"See isn't it fun!" you say through a laugh.
"Fuck no its not." he says with a terrified expression. "I will never do this again!" he shouts holding your hand tighter.

When the ride was finally over, and Hobi looked traumatized, you both ascend the stairs to find a grinning Yoongi waiting for you.
"That was super fun!" you say clapping your hands together in happiness.
"Speak for yourself." Hobi says through a heavy sigh.
"Are you ok?" Yoongi laughs as he rubs his back comfortingly.
"I will manage. But I will not do that again. Next time, you will go." he says, the color slowly returning to his face.
Just then a crowd of girls make their way over to Yoongi and Hobi, pushing you slightly out of the way.
"Oh my god! Suga nad Jhope in the states!" one of the girls exclaim.
"Can we get a picture!" another shouts.
"Can we get an autograph!" another asks excitedly as they all push around the guys.
"Girls, girls calm down." Hobi says trying to get them to not cause a scene. "No pictures. But we will sign things quickly. We are here with our girlfriend, so you are taking time from her." he says pulling you back close to his side. Yoongi then steps to the other side and wraps his arm around your waist.
"They are both dating you?" one of the girls asks as both Hobi and Yoongi start signing things.
"Mhm, yes both of them." you nod looking between the two of them.
"Awww so lucky!" all the girls say in unison together.
"No, we truly are the lucky ones." Yoongi says, pinching your cheek as you blush.
Once all the girls were satisfied with the autographs, they both take each of your hands in theirs again and you begin to walk around.
"Well what should we do now?" Yoongi asks looking down to you.
"Hey look, theres one of those basketball games." you say pointing over to one of the game booths. "You love basketball, you should try and win a prize." you say over to Yoongi.
"Why when I can just buy you one of those stuffed animals without being ripped off in the process." Yoongi scoffs as he looks over to the game.
"Sounds like you are scared to me." Hobi says through a laugh.
"Mhm, I agree." you say through a small smile.
Yoongi rolled his eyes and started to walk towards the game. "Alright bet." he says paying for his turn at the game.  "Whats the record to beat?" he asks holding up one of the basketballs.
"30..." the worker says as he walks over to stand next to the machine.
"Easy peasy." Yoongi says smirking as he starts throwing balls into the hoops effortlessly.
"DAEBAK!" you say, clapping your hands excidetly. Wihtin the first few minutes, he had nearly beat the record with minimum effort, and still had 5 more minutes to go.
"Yoongi is so cool when it comes to basketball...." Hobi says standing back and watching with admiration.
"We have a new record!" the worker calls out. "75 in 10 minutes!"
Yoongi turns to you and Hobi with a cool expression on his face and winks. "See, childs play." he says as grabs the biggest teddy bear from the prize rack and hands it to you.

"Well now what should we do..." you say looking between the two of them. "Our time here is almost over. But tonight has been the best of the vacation I think."
"I agree." says Hobi with a smile.
"Lets go over there and sit for a moment." Yoongi says pointing to a small bench that sat just off the shore of a small beach area.
The 3 of you head over there and sit down and for a moment, no one says anything. You just sit quietly and listen to the waves crash onto the shore and then reutrn back to the sea.
"Do you miss being here?" Yoongi asks you, breaking the silence after awhile.
"Not terribly. Of course I miss my home. But I found a new home with you." you say slipping your hand into his. "And now with Hobi as well." you say grabbing his hand as well.
"You guys have really been the light in my dark. I hope we keep going stronger everyday."
"I am sure we will." Hobi says kissing your cheek and then leaning over and kissing Yoongi's cheek as well.
"Aww I love you both!" you say happily as you slide each of your arms around each of their backs.

You, Me, and Hobi (Yoongi/Reader/Hobi)✔️Where stories live. Discover now