The Dragon's New Heart

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Dudes this is just a very short story. Inspired by a book i read. Enjoy!!


In a far away place, there lay a well wherein a dragon lived. The dragon was feared by many, despite it's magical powers. The dragon could grant wishes anyone could ever ask for. Only if there was something special in return. More likely, if someone asks for a grand place for shelter in return, her health. When someone asks for fame, one would give away his arm and lastly when someone asks for true love, desperately, he would away anything. The last wish pleased the dragon the most for he could get anything from him and return nothing. 

These people end up hurt, weak and unfortunately. . . . heart broken. For the dragon could get all of this  in a form as if someone lost an arm after an accident, a person with great house became weak of sickness and a person committed suicide because true love was never found. 

The dragon gets all the privileges just because of his selfish schemes. as if to say, ' Only a fool would want a wish to be granted by a dragon whose unforgiving, merciless and....... heartless....


One day a little girl came and peeked inside the well. Greeting her with huge red eyes suddenly crawling from it's chambers. the girl showed no fear at the sight of this and it suddenly speak, annoyed by her presence.

" what do you want, little girl?"

" grant me my wish." she said with fierce.

The dragon moved closer and said, " Why are you not afraid of me, little girl?"

The girl then replied, " Why would I be? Your just a big ugly lizard!" 

The dragon was offended. " What do you want!?"

" Grant me happiness!"

" Not so fast, if I give you this, What would you give me in return?"

" My sadness." she said simply.

Before answering, the dragon chuckled, " what kind of bargain is that? If I grant you happiness you must give me something SPECIAL in return." he said emphasizing ' special'.

" Very well Mr. Ugly Lizard, What do you want then?"

The dragon ignored her remark. He hesitated and said, " How bout' your heart?" he said with a smile.

The girl considered, " All right, grant me happiness and you shall have my heart and to show what a good sport I am, you can get my heart first. But, If you failed to do so, you shall let me cut your head with a sword."

" What would you want with my head?'

" It's none of your business."

The dragon's smile reached from ear-to-ear thinking that he may fool the girl. That if he take her heart first, there was no need for it to grant her her wish for she will already be dead. He finally nod in agreement.

The girl spread her arms and moved closer for the dragon to reach, " Take my heart you ugly Lizard!" she shouted.

The dragon reached and opened her rib cage making bone-cracking sounds and took heart from her. Making the girl fall on the ground, limply. " I have won a heart for free!" he exclaimed.

He crawled back in the well waiting for the heart to stop beating. He planned for potatoes and maybe wine to eat it with. Imagining, what a wonderful feast it would be. 

Eventually, after a few days the heart never stopped beating. That led the dragon to hunger and lack of sleep. For dragons have sensitive ears and the well was very dark and quiet. hearing every beat the heart made, disturbing him from his rest.

Until such time, he grew tired and swallowed the heart. he felt, it was good going down, until he realized it was still beating. Other than sensitive ears, Dragon's also are heartless.... but now that it has one... What would it do?

It cried out loud hoping for someone to hear. When suddenly, a voice came into his mind... or was it?

" What do you want?" she said.

" Who's there?"

" The girl whose heart you stole."

" that c-can't be. Your dead." But, the girl ignored it.

" You called, What do you want?'

" It's your heart. It's driving me crazy! It won't stop beating. Please. Help me. I'll do anything."

" fine. In one condition, Do the end of the bargain first."

" Cut my head? But, I will die."

" It's your fault! For you were bound onto your words and the persons before me. But if you do not want, Goodbye then."

" Wait! don't go! Please help me!" he cried.

But she was already gone.

The dragon realized that he was the one being fooled for the girl's happiness was his death.

" DAMN YOU!" It shouted in the midst of the cold air.

It grab it's sword and fell on it, cut his head and died.

The girl's soul finally lived on while the dragon was............ otherwise......

                                        THE END


see told you it's short. this is actually my first ever finished story........




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