Chapter 3: Bryson

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The trio stood in the protection of the trees, observing a large barn on the outskirts of Portland. It’s faded red paint peeled lazily, having endured many of the rains privy to the area. This was the place Paige and her friends had been hiding since the outbreak struck Portland.

It wasn’t a bad safe house, Bryson decided, taking in the large double doors. It was the only entrance, save for the large windows on the second floor, which were perfect for shooting roamers from. It was far enough away from the city that not many of the roamers would stumble up here. Or at least, that’s what they’d thought.

As they watched, roamers staggered around the perimeter, their dead eyes staring blankly, jaws snapping open and closed. An occasional hiss would reach them carried by the breeze, causing the hairs on the back of his neck to stand on end.

“How many roamers are in there now?” He asked Paige, a little pensive about getting the supplies. Were they potentially worth risking their lives? His brother's life? They’d be walking right into a swarm of zombies, for crying out loud.

“I don’t know. It all started when one of our men ran into a horde during a supply run. Instead of running the other direction and waiting for a rescue team like we'd planned if something went wrong, he led them right back here. He's the reason my friends are dead.” A dark look crossed her face, and he wondered if she would cry. “There were enough to run me and my friends off. We’re going to have to clear the barn if we want any of the supplies.” Her perfect brows furrowed together in concentration, causing two little lines to appear between them.

“Where were the supplies kept at?” Zach implored, his eyes calculating as well. Bryson knew just how smart his brother was. He was curious to see what he might come up with.

“We kept most of them on the top floor, in the loft.”

“So what if we don’t have to clear the barn?”

Bryson and Paige both turned to Zach, not sure what he meant.

“Hear me out,” He admonished, still staring at the large red structure.

“Bryson, if you can cover us from the trees with your bow, Paige and I can make a break for the door and trap the roamers inside. Just keep the ones outside away from us.”

“What’s the point of that? The roamers will still be inside the building, which defeats the whole purpose. We’ll still have to clear the barn.”

Zach smiled knowingly.

“Roamer’s can’t climb. There won’t be any on the top floor of the barn where we need to be. If we could find a ladder or climb up through the windows, we could avoid them completely.”

“That… might actually work.” He admitted, a laugh escaping him. This kid was a genius!

“There’s no ladder.” Paige spoke up quietly. “I was here for at least three weeks, and I haven’t seen a ladder.”

“You’re so tiny, Bryson can just lift you up through the window. Besides, you’re the one who knows where all the supplies are, so you’ll be in and out in no time.”

Paige turned her dark eyes on him. “Do you really think you could lift me that high?”

He studied the barn, then Paige. The window was about twelve feet off of the ground. She was thin, so he didn’t think he’d have any trouble lifting her high enough to grasp the window sill. She could pull herself the rest of the way up. “Yeah, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Well, its settled then.” She replied, looking a little uneasy.

Bryson took his spot in the trees, out of sight from the roamers. On the count of three, he let off a volley of arrows, each one hitting their mark. Several roamers blocking their path fell to the ground as Paige and Zach made a run for it. They dashed across the field, and all the while, he shot arrow after arrow, keeping the roamers at bay. His heart leapt into his throat as two roamers narrowed in on them, one going for his brother, the other for Paige.

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