Chapter 6

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Paige sat on the windowsill in the attic, a fleece blanket wrapped around her shoulders to stave off the cold. From her perch, she could see the frequent roamer pass by the cabin they'd found last night, misty, misshapen figures in the early morning light. More likely than not, they were from the same horde she’d alerted last night. And while most of them had passed, unaware that what they desired lay nestled up in a boarded off cabin- many were still out there. Enough to make her edgy.

She’d barely slept the night before, replaying her dire mistakes over and over again in her head. The roamer, her screams, the gunshot. They all blurred together, like a tiny film in her brain stuck on repeat, until finally she’d broke down in tears, ashamed at herself for letting her guard down like that. Because of her lapse in judgement, she’d almost killed Bryson and Zach. How was she supposed to look them in the eyes knowing what she’d done?

She contemplated taking her things and leaving- right now in this very instant. No doubt her friends would be hurt by her desertion, but they would be far, far better off. Bryson had been right for wanting to leave her behind that first day they met. Another tear slid down her cheek.

Soft footsteps echoed up the attic stairs and she quickly wiped it away, pulling the blanket closer around her. They stopped a few feet away, but she forced herself not to look up.

“What are you doing up here?” Bryson's deep voice washed over her, her heart becoming heavy. Maybe he’d come to send her away for endangering his brother. Zach was the most important person to him, she knew that.

“Nothing. Just watching the roamers.”

He moved closer to look out the window, his face hovering over her shoulder. He rested it there, his warm breath washing over her cheek, sending shivers across her body.

“I think most of them kept going straight.” He murmured.

“Not all of them. This is the tenth one I've seen in half an hour. These woods are crawling with them after last night.” She pointed out a roamer that trudged its way through the trees, not seeming to notice their structure. She couldn’t see it’s face, but she could tell it had been a woman- dark hair, long like her own, trailed behind her, matted with leaves and twigs and lord knows what else.

“You’re right. That’s why I've decided to scout ahead and see if we can make it around the city. If there’s too many roamers in our path, we’ll just have to backtrack and find a different route to Colorado. I won’t put you guys at risk like that.”

“Okay. Let me get my bag and wake Zach up and we can go.”

He shook his head at her. “No, I’m going alone. You two get to stay here and wait until I come back.”

“You’re joking, right? There’s no way I’m letting you go out there alone! What if you run into the horde?!”

“I’ll be fine. Trust me. It’ll only take a few hours and then I’ll come right back.”

“Bryson, please don’t do this.” She begged, grabbing his hand in hers. He caressed it, comforting her. “Trust me.”

She did, she trusted Bryson more than she trusted anyone. He knew that and he was playing it against her. She could see the determination in his eyes. She’d seen that look many times over the last few weeks with him. She wasn’t winning this argument.

“Fine. But if you’re not back in three hours I’m going to come look for you.” A smile lit up his face, a real smile, the one she loved.


He turned to leave, but there was something else she needed to say before he left.

“B?” He turned at the top of the stairs, one hand resting on the handrail. “I’m sorry… about last night. I almost got us all killed.”

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