Total Opposites (Kiri POV) pt 3

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PT 3/6

"I want to help you." I spoke again. Louder this time. Even though I am offering, I am reluctant.

"What do you mean? What is it that you want to help me with?" She interrogated.

I had to think for a moment before answering. I didn't expect her to question me.

"You seem to really want to ask this guy out to the ball. I thought I could help you. I know your friends are probably helping you, but I thought I could give you a mans insight. Great idea, right?"

She paused for a moment.

"It's a great idea, Kirishima, but you don't know who the guy is." She responded.

"You'd have to tell me, of course." I smirked.

I saw her eye visibly twitch. I wanted to laugh, but I tried to contain myself.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that...not now at least..." She mumbled the last part. I was slightly worried that she might like Bakugo, but he had said he knew he didn't have a chance with her.

"Come on. You've gotta tell me. Not in English this time." I begged. I stepped closer to her. I kept my gaze strong on her, it made her uncomfortable and she looked everywhere but my face.

"Why don't you go get someone to translate it for you?" She spoke as she took a step back.

"I did. I asked Midoriya. He said that he didn't think it was right to tell me what it meant." I lied quickly.

"Did he say why he didn't think it was right?" She asked.

"He said that I should probably hear it from you than from him." I lied again. I felt slightly guilty that she believed me so easily.

"Ask google to translate it for you."

"I don't know how to spell what you said." I complained. "Just tell me."

She shook her head as she let out a soft chuckle.

"I don't think I can tell you right now..."

I pursed my lips. Disappointed in her answer. I was hoping I would get it this time

"Can you at least tell me about this guy? Give me some clues." I pleaded.

"He's kind." She blurted out. She quickly threw her hands over to cover her mouth.

A twinge of thrill went through my body. I finally got a crumb.

"What else? There's a few kind guys in our class."

She shook her head. Her hand still pressed up against her mouth.

"Come on. Throw me a bone." I begged again.

She thought for a minute. I carefully watched her as she came up with a response.

"Well, he's always encouraged me. He's always tried to lend me a helping hand. He's weary around me though. He often tries to avoid physical contact with me. I've always admired how he's strong and always brightens everyone's day."

I froze. I hid all my emotions. Was she actually talking about Bakugo? Was he wrong about not having a chance? I internally panicked. Is the reason she's not telling me because Bakugo is my friend? Is she worried that I would tell him? I thought it over and decided I was not going to let her know what I know. I still had a secret plan to figure out who it really is.

(Kirishima POV x Reader) Total OppositesWhere stories live. Discover now