Chapter 59

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POV: Lark 

Dinner was excruciating.

The entire time all I could think about was Luka's mouth and the looks he was sending me when the guys weren't looking were driving me crazy. I wanted him.

God, I wanted him and I couldn't do anything about it while we were eating dinner with the guys.

"We should probably get groceries for the week and Thanksgiving dinner", Greyson mused. "You know the stores are going to be back the closer it gets to the holiday and I for one do not want to hunt down ingredients in a swarm of people".

"I can go tomorrow if we work on a list tonight. Xavier is giving me the week off to rest since he's been working me hard", Aidan said. "I'm not going by myself though. Someone is coming with me so I don't have to bear the masses on my own".

Luka was giving me 'fuck me' eyes as he put one finger on his nose, and I was about to say to hell with waiting and grab him when I heard my name.

"Looks like you're going with Aidan tomorrow, Lark", Colt said.

"What are you talking about?", I asked looking over at him. It was then that I noticed he also had one finger on his nose.

"Nose goes, baby. That's the rule and you lost".

Shit. I had been so distracted with Luka that I got stuck with grocery duty. I suppose there was a silver lining to it though. "I get to spend the day with Aidan without you idiots getting in our way. I'm pretty sure I won".

Colt laughed and went back to eating his dinner.

Finally, everyone finished eating and I rushed around to collect plates while Colt excused himself to the home office. "What's the rush Lark? I thought you wanted to try playing Assassin's Creed tonight", Aidan asked suspiciously.

Luka and Greyson were doing a terrible job hiding their snickering so I flipped them the bird when Aidan turned around. "You know let's do that tomorrow night I have to do something else right now", I hedged, doing my best to sound casual.

Aidan shrugged. "No problem. Do you care if I play without you?".

"Nope! You go right ahead", I said quickly as I put the last plate in the dishwasher.

When I turned around to leave the kitchen, I ran smack into Luka's chest. Aidan and Greyson had migrated to the living room and were engrossed in a debate about some new movie.

Luka lifted me and set me on the counter before bringing his mouth down to meet mine. If I thought he was unaffected at dinner, his kiss was proving me wrong. He moved so fluidly that it felt like together we were living art. He licked my lips with his tongue, sending shivers down to my pussy.

I shoved him away from me before hopping off the counter. "You're coming with me", I breathed. The two of us rushed up the stairs and into my bedroom and the second the door closed he was on me.

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