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(Julia's POV)

I got out of my car, and headed to the front of the large building.

As I entered, I looked around at the busy people doing their jobs, and would take a glance at me and smile.

I walked over to the front desk and smiled at the woman behind it.

She looked up at me and smiled back largely.

"Oh my gosh Julia Carbani!!" she realizes that she just yelled in excitement and calms herself down a bit. "Sorry. What can I help you with?"

"I'm looking for David Spelling. He told me to meet him at his office at 1:30, and it's 2:13 right now." I say. I've always been late. To everything. And every director I've worked with had gotten on to me for it. But I don't mind, I've got to many things going on in life to worry about being on time.

"Okay no problem. He's on the 8th floor, room 43B. Ill let him know you're on your way." She says.

Before I get a chance to thank her and walk away, she calls my name again.

"Yes?" I say, a bit hesitant.

"Can I please get an autograph? Pretty please?" She says and pouts her lip. I just laugh and nod, while signing the overly-excited woman's paper.

"Thank you so much!!" She says.

"No problem." I give her one last smile and walk away.

I head to the elevator doors and press the up button.

I tap my foot impatiently until they large doors open.

I let out a breath and walk in.

I hit the button with the 8 on it, and look around the small cubicle, trying to keep myself occupied for the small amount of time I'm in here.

Finally, the doors open again, and I make my way down the hallway to find room 43B.

When I reach my destination I knock on the door and wait for a response.

The door swings open at a fast pace, and an angry David is standing there.

"Where have you been?" He asks. He looks awfully tired, and stressed.

"I had to take care of...some things." I say and he just sighs and lets me in.

He shuts the door behind us and I make my way towards a chair in front of his desk.

He sits at the desk and crosses his arms.

"Well?" I say, waiting for him to go on with the reason he told me to come here.

"Well....we need to talk about this upcoming movie. There are strict publicity rules that needs to be followed." He says. I sigh and lean back on the chair some more.

"There are always rules!! And I hate publicity stunts!! The next day it's all out on the Internet and people think I'm a fake!!" I say. I didn't even worry about him getting mad at me, I was simply stating my thoughts.

"Well the next ones not so serious. You just need to spend less time with that child you always have with you." His words make me feel uncomfortable.


"Because he's ruining your image. You are a 19 year old actress!! Your supposed to be a fun, wild, person! What will people think when you always have that kid with you!!" He says.

"If I have to spend less time with him, then I don't want to be 'fun and wild'!!" I say

"Why does this kid matter so much to you anyways?! Who is he?!?" He says.

"M-my brother." I stutter, knowing that wasn't true.

He just looks at me, unconvinced.

"Fine. Just spend time with him when your by yourself, not in public. Got it?" He states.

I sigh and nod my head.

"Got it." I reply.

"Good. You can go now. That's all I needed to tell you until tomorrow at 9:00 am when we start shooting the movie. Don't be late." He says.

"I'll try." I say as he lets me out.

I head back down and exit the building.

I head to my car just when my phone starts to ring.


"Hey JuJu!!"

I laugh, knowing the only person who calls me that is Louis.

"Hey Tommo." I say, still letting out a small laugh.

"What's up?" He asks as I enter my car.

"Nothing much. I'm just leaving the building where David Spelling's office is. He wanted to talk to me about publicity." I say.

"Wow. The exciting life of the teenage actress, Julia Carbani!!" He says, making me let out some giggles.

"Says the one who's on tour!!" I say.

"Well, that's why I called you at.." He pauses. "2:43 in the afternoon!!"

"What is it Lou?" I ask him.

"We are coming to LA tomorrow!!! So I get to see you! And the little one of coarse." He says.

"Oh my gosh that's awesome!!!" And Joey missed you so much!! And....wait....who's we?" i ask.

"Oh. the boys are coming as well. hope you don't mind." he says.

"Its no problem. as long as no one wrecks my house." i say.

"Absolutely not!!" Louis says.

"Good." I say, and hear voices in the background.

"Louis please help me get some food!! I haven't eaten in 30 minutes and I'm starving!!" The voice says.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"That was Niall. I gotta go. See you tomorrow JuJu!!" He says and with that he hangs up.

I set down my phone and let out a happy scream.

I stop as I realize something important. "Oh my gosh!! I gotta clean my house!!" I mumble and drive back home.


AN: Okay, so this is my third story on Wattpad but I deleted one of them, left the other, and created this one!!

I hope you guys love it, and please VOTE, COMMENT, and FAN!!


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