pov: childhood friends.

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y/n: your name
y/p: your partner
y/b/f: your best friend

"you know, i get what people mean now. you guys would definitely make a cute couple." y/b/f said as she looked at you resting your head on y/p's shoulder.

" y/b/f said as she looked at you resting your head on y/p's shoulder

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"lmao ya right. we'd be disgusting together. we're meant to be bestfriends." you said defensively.

y/p just chuckled at your response.

you lifted your head off his shoulder and just cleared your throat while looking at y/b/f. she knew how you actually felt about y/p. but you always said that you only see him as your bestfriend. so you've been moving on from it.

you've dated so many guys but they never seem to last. you didn't know what was missing in all those guys, took you awhile to realise.

you've been bestfriends with y/p since even before you could talk. you were neighbours and your parents got along with his parents very well. so you've seen him everyday.

you were snapped back to reality when y/b/f snapped her fingers in your face, "hello earth to y/n".

"sorry what?"

"josh (sorry it was the first name that popped in my head) and his friends just walked in. and he may or may not have glanced at you." y/b/f said raising her eyebrows.

"he's cute. i mean they are all cute to be fair. but he's so cute." you looked at him as if your eyes turned into hearts.

as you said that, you heard y/p scoffed.


"he looks like any other frat boy. i don't get what's cute about that. your taste in guys is horrible." y/p stood up and leave right after he said that.

"wai- ugh what's up with him?" you started getting annoyed at the way he acted out of nowhere.

"i think he's jealous." y/b/f said

"dude i love you but you gotta let it go already. your ship has sunk and will not be sailing at all." you said with a small laugh.

as you were talking and laughing, frat boy josh came up to your table.

"hey y/n!" he said smiling and looking at y/b/f trying to hint to her to leave the table for awhile. which she got loud and clear.

"hi josh! what's up?" you said with a friendly smile.

"are you free tonight? would you like to go catch a movie? maybe at 7?"

"oh sure! just text me the details!" you wanted to freak out but somehow you managed to keep it cool.

"alright dope! (ew sorry) see you then!" he said as he took his leave.

y/b/f came back and she was smiling so widely and then proceeded to joke "uh oh, your boyfriend is not gonna be happy that you have a date with someone else."

"shut up y/b/f! let's go to class already." you answered her.

after you were done with classes, you said bye to y/b/f who was going to hang out with her partner. you walked out and see y/p waiting for you. you guys walk home everyday together. after his minor outburst, you were surprised he still waited for you.

"oh hey you waited for me! thank you!" you said trying to break the awkward tension.

"why wouldn't i? we always walk home together, i know you hate walking home alone."

"oh just because of what happened at lunch. so what did happen actually? did i do something wrong to piss you off?"

he didn't even answer you, you guys were just walking in silence.

"so anyway! josh asked me out just now. we're gonna catch a movie later at 7."

you stopped walking when you realise he had stopped walking for a bit. you went back to him and asked "why did you stop?"

"josh asked you out? and you said yes?"

"oh ya, thought it'll be fun since i'm not dating anyone. i mean should i said no?" you asked, secretly hoping he'll say yes.

"what? why are you asking me? you can date whoever you want." he said with a small smile and just started walking home. you had to run a little to catch up with him.

some passage of time

you couldn't shake the thought of how y/p acted today. you decided to ignore it and just get ready. i mean if y/b/f was correct, y/p would not have said what he said.

as you were putting on some lip gloss, you heard a knock on your window. you knew it was y/p because you guys had a secret knocking rhythm. you gestured him to come in.

he was in your room but he was just looking at you.

"do you need something? why are you being weird?"

without answering you, he came closer and suddenly his lips were on yours. and without realising, you kissed him back.

"i'm sorry, i had to do it because i will literally not forgive myself if i don't tell you how i feel about you

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"i'm sorry, i had to do it because i will literally not forgive myself if i don't tell you how i feel about you. especially if you end up dating some frat boy." he said with his hand still on your neck.

you smiled, "so... how do you feel about me?"

"i love you, a lot. and not just as a friend. i can't even remember since when. but you went and date all these boys so i couldn't do anything about it. and i didn't want to ruin our friendship." he said with a relief look, as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders.

"so you're telling me that y/b/f was right all along."

"unfortunately." he said chuckling.

"ok well i'm gonna text josh."

"what- why?"

"well i have to tell him i can't meet him. because apparently i'm spending time with my boyfriend." you said looking at him, you continued "which is you btw incase you didn't know."

he smiled like a young boy who just got his first trophy on sport's day.

he smiled like a young boy who just got his first trophy on sport's day

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"oh and i love you too, always."

you told y/b/f everything after that and all she said was "looks like my ship didn't sink at all."

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