Chapter 17

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"Rin Kagamine?"

I managed to leave to school earlier than Miku, so that way I wouldn't have to see her. Now I'm in my first period class, with Ms Yuri, my homeroom teacher. And attendance has never felt so sloooooooow!

"Ai." I say, not feeling like speaking.

It surprises me that I even made it to school. Ever since my break up with Miku, I have felt like I've been drugged for life, and everything is "psychedelic"- or, less colorfully damaged, anyway. My heart felt heavy, and it wasn't easy to wake up this morning, but I figured that I missed enough school days to cover me in summer school--might as well show up now.

"Yian Kashami?" was called next, and I looked around the room to see the handsome -yet extremely lonely- brother Yian. He looked depressed of some sort, but as soon as his name was called again, he snapped out of his haze. "H-here!"

I looked around the room for the other Kashami twin, but he was nowhere to be found. I wonder if Jake decided to drop out instead. That would make my life at least a little easier. I mean, he's open to take Miku now, but somehow that bitch still angers me.

I-I mean, the brown-haired one.

"Okay. I finished with the attendance. Welcome back, Rin." Ms Yuri says with a calming smile, and I nod. "Has anyone seen Gumi anywhere, lately?"

I look around the room one last time, and I noticed that Gumi was absent as well. I wonder what happened?

"I heard that she got sick," Yian said, almost immediately. I looked towards his direction and he was blushing. I raise an eyebrow. Sick? The Gumi Megpoid? Sick? She doesn't do sick, and somehow the universe revolves around her!

I roll my eyes and stare out the window, wondering why I care. The stillness of the outside world seems to be more entertaining than actually being here... And even then, it's boring there, too.

"We will be having a Christmas party in the gym before the holidays, if anyone is interested. The student government wanted us to make it the cliché "masquerade" theme." I heard Ms Yuri say, and I look to the front of the classroom.

A masquerade? Really?? But... Why? Cliche is definitely the right word.

"That is where the song writing contest will be held. I'm sure you guys have talked about it with your Language Arts teacher?" I held my head up. I forgot about that!! I gripped the edges of my desk, wondering if anyone else is entering.

A contest!! More specifically, a song contest! I know how to write songs! And what's even better, I know that Miku...!

Oh. Yeah. Right... I held my breath, knowing that the song was written for me, for us... It wasn't intentionally for the contest, but it would've saved us a lot of time to make one, since I know that the party is right away. But now... It seems... I'll have to work on my own.

I started to think about when Miku and I first got together... The night that Miku started writing this song, the night that would later get me in trouble...

"Thanks for coming, Rin-chan." She told me, her hands still on my cheeks. I smile weakly, feeling drunk off that kiss. "O-of course," I blurb out, my mind racing with intimate thoughts. Once Miku took her hands back (something that ticked me off for some reason), I shot my eyes to her paper.

"約束 (*Promise)?"

Miku continues to smile, finishing a sentence on the paper. Once she dropped her pen, she showed me the paper she has been writing on diligently. I skim over the words and look back to Miku with a straight face. "It's a song I'm writing." Miku states proudly, and that makes me connect my brows. "Noooooo," I state sarcastically, "I thought it was a poem."

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