Bonus Chapter - Jungkook

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Jungkook was a contradiction.

He was perhaps, a person who was starkly different from his Queen. He was not kind, nor was he selfless, neither did he attract good people to him like bees to honey.

He needn't be. After all, why did he have to be as the child of the favourite consort of the King? He learned to think this way from his siblings who were mostly arrogant and unforgiving safe for few.

He learned again that it was wrong when his mother beat sense into him. His mother never raised a hand towards him, but the one time she did was when he was being a pompous prick to an attendant.

She had grabbed the nearest weapon she could find and it turned out that the slim stalks of lotuses when bundled together packed quite a punch. She then made Jungkook memorize books on virtues and tested him on them until he could recite them backwards.

But Jungkook learned that kindness was reserved for very few people when he and his mother lost favour. Kindness did not feed him and it did not protect his dignity as prince. When his mother passed, he was left with two he reserved that part of him for, Eunwoo and Jungkyung.

But the heavens took pity on him, because his father remembered him. His fate must have changed! For his father tutored him himself and everyone starting flocking to him again, all of them saying he will be the next king.

Jungkook did not think he was suited to be king. He never thought of it, was never trained for it when he was younger, and the only king he knows, his father, was a sad man.

His father played a large part in his life. The man who gave him luxury and superiority with his favour, and the same man who took it all away. The man who gave him the throne.

After Jungkook was brought back to the main palace to be trained as crown prince, sometimes his father would be kind, sometimes his father would look at him with so much hate, Jungkook shivered and hid in a corner. It was only when Jungkook was older that he knew the hate was not for him.

It was for the king's own cynical nature which had caused him to never see his love again and his hate for the woman who was queen and for her children.

Then Jungkook met his people.

His father's eyes softened when he spoke about the people. Was it because the king's only beloved, Jungkook's mother, was from there? Was it because his father had his own share of sneaking out and meeting the people in his youth? Cheated by some and was treated with purity and kindness with others?

His father told him that every thread in his robes and every drop of water he drank was from the people. It is Jungkook's duty to control them, but also his duty to love and serve them.

Jungkook did. Like his father, for all their faults, they were good kings.

Then came Taehyung.

His light.

His saving grace.

Taehyung was not someone who changed him. There were parts of Jungkook which were so ingrained in him, he could never change.

His need for control, the ugly doubt which he had inherited and clouded his heart sometimes, the resentment from his childhood, the years of manipulation and callousness from his years as king were all part of him.

He wondered why Taehyung stayed. He wondered why he stood with him atop a pile of bones instead of flying free. Hoseok could have brought Taehyung away if he had wished for it.

Jungkook knew he would have let him go in their early years of marriage. It was enough to clip the wings of one bird. Jungkook had been alone for a long while, after all. What so even if he had to be for the rest of his life?

But now...

Taehyung stirred and turned his head, fitting perfectly in the nook of Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook dipped his head and Taehyung woke up to lips on his, adamant on sucking every breath from him and he nibbled on the corner of Jungkook's lips as warning.

Jungkook looked at him, desperate, lost, and increasingly sad.

Taehyung giggled. If the officials ever see their king pouting like this, what did one of them call him previously? A demonic distraction? Jungkook had thrown that official out of court in fury, the attendants swiftly complying and hauling the official out the hall, and the citizens had pelted him with vegetables for insulting their beloved queen.

Taehyung cupped Jungkook's cheeks and pecked him on his lips sweetly, "I'm yours."

Then Jungkook's heart fell back into his chest and nestled there snugly. Taehyung giggled even more when he felt Jungkook smiling into their kiss.

Now... Jungkook would never let Taehyung go.


Ah, Jungkook. Jungkook in this story is not nice. Haha. I think he's normal? He is this way because of his circumstances and everyone has different sides to them.

Happy almost 500k reads special chapter and thank you dear readers!

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