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Two Immortals sit on a bus, discussing whatever the rest would find not worth the time, they had agreed on how hilarious it be to stay in a train for longer than a human can live, just to see the reactions of their actions, about a millenia ago. Years had passed, trains got less and less used, they resorted to a bus by the date arranged.

Now they sit together in the back of the bus with a wide grin in their faces, the first week the conductor had been baffled by their existence and almost tried pushing the passengers off the bus, to no avail, eventually giving up after a abnormal amount of nonsense involving cops, firefighters and so on.
By the time the bus continued working as normal everyone had already made peace with the strangers just vibing there, the other passengers didn't really know what had happened and continued their day as normal.

The 2 eccentric fellas had quite a blast observing everyone for the first 40 years: their anxious life, their personal drama, bets on what mental illnesses some had. It was distracting for the friends! There were a times where the conductor would enter, and see them sitting across from echother, after a figthing or trying to prove whatever insignificant little thing has right... in a stubborn ass manner.

The male looking beings were wise to say the least, but that didn't mean they didn't indulge in the most absurdly stupid activities. For example: it was common for anyone who entered to greet them, they wouldn't take offense if not, but this particular young woman who entered the bus every Tuesday, had somehow not lost tier streak of saying hello to them for 10 years, they found this curious. They decided that whoever make her not greet them would have bragging rights for 5 years. They both sat quietly for about 8 days. This had conserned several people, about what other mischief that would turn the bus upside down they had in mind, bracing for any sort of impact.

After many analyses the immortal on the window sit had started ahead, with costumes and makeup appearing seemingly out of nowhere, his plan was to make sure she didn't recognize them. It didn't work, he had forgotten how bad he was at looking like someone else, much less at acting like someone else. Then came the closest to the corridor, giving her gifts of lizards and horrendous food, that also didn't work, she was far too polite to decline and trew all of it out as soon as she left the vehicle.
This continued for multiple months, having it involve: ballet on top of the seat; a thank with a living Manta Ray; brides for information on her; hiding in a bush.... In the middle of a bus; bad accents and more. Until at last she had ignored them both! They wore baffled, was this a tie? They couldn't allow that! Proceeding weeks of nagging her for who made her not wanna say hello. Needless to say they wore a strange pair.

Almost the whole town knew em at that point, they had become some sort of lucky charm - "GIVE US YOUR WORRIES AND OUR ADVICE WILL BE DIVINE!" Had become a opening line, as most would assume, it wasn't without a bickering here and there, although it was worth the advice even if a bit uncomfortable for the townsfolk, not that the dou cared. Over the years rumors started and people came to the small village, growing as a city with them, coming poor souls in search of the magical advice of these legends. The legends wore almost always disappointing, and somehow very helpful?

After what they thought was over 200 years in that bus, a kid they didn't recognize entered with a very loud guy, both looked at echother as to say "a new pathetic dad with addictions waiting for us to fix him." Without missing a beat the man sat below thier sit, yellin all about his kid being worthless, they had expected that much, however, they didn't expect how he would slap the child in their presence. Both perplexed with rage, acted fast: the closest to the corridor grabbed the child whilst the other took the man's hand before he could continue.

Taking a child they ran out off the vehicle, for generations spent in that bus, tales chit chatted and poems written of the figures, it was over, they were finally off the damned place! Bursting laughing as they ran with their partner following behind giggling to himself, chased by a middle aged man huffing every step. They felt alive! The air flowing in their hair, holding hands as they ran, the citizens stoped and stared as the fall of an dependent civilization began, but that didn't matter to them!  Only now! "Its is so lovely to be alive" they yelled into the nothingness!

The child was being held one handed by a bearded man figure, wearing a lumberjack jacket, with a sharp nose and bright smile, directed at the other male looking person, with a tophat and suit a bit of a mustache, accompanied by a droopy nose.
The child didn't understand why it was being held, was too scared to go back or interfere, the kid was afraid! All they could do was grab onto his newfound kidnapper jacket, where they'd been tucked in between a white shirt. Hours passed and they finally stopped running, resting on a bench joking with echother minutes before realizing the child had been terrified. Instinctively panicking.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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