Man in Red (Naib) x Reader 🍋

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I'm going to try writing this as a gender neutral fic, but please forgive me if it seems more feminine, I've only ever written fem readers. This is based off his newest skin, Man in Red (I think it's called idk) because I'm in love with it it's so pretty :0

This is following the plot of the S17 3rd Essence! You're a middle class citizen living with family in a manor, when the elders of your family fall ill and pass away a strange man in red comes to visit under the full moon.
His focus is shifted onto you, brought by the grief death has done unto you.

Your POV:
I stood on the balcony of my bedroom looking out at the midnight sky. It was a full moon, it had felt like forever since I'd bathed in the soft white light of a full moon. The warm air of summer kept me warm as I stood in a simple nightdress, fitting for such late hours. I cast my gaze onto the gardens, admiring the rose bushes from my balcony, wishing to see them closer. My chest hurt from the grief and mourning of my recent losses, it seemed as if it was a punishment of sorts aimed to hurt me.
The manor had felt a lot emptier and solitary without the elders of the family, maids dared to break the silence.
As I was lost in thought, I looked up to the moon, unaware of the silhouette staring back at me from amidst the flowering rose bushes. A noise from below caught my attention, my gaze adverting back down, where I saw a man stood looking up at me, a rose in his hands. He had ghostly white skin, ivory hair and wore red clothes. I blinked a couple times, unable to believe what I was seeing. A spectre of sorts, has he come to haunt me? I quickly retreated back inside my room, feeling spooked by what I'd seen. I shut the doors to the balcony and drew the curtains shut with a swift motion, holding the soft fabric in my hands for a moment before letting go and turning around, contemplating what I had just seen. Was it real? Am I imagining? I walked to my window and peeled out from between the silk curtains, checking the gardens once more for the strange man. He wasn't human, he can't have been. His ghostly appearance made it impossible to believe, despite all of this - why would he be here? My eyes flicked across the rose bushes looking for the figure, only for him to be gone. Perhaps it simply was a figment of my imagination; I thought to myself. With a deep sigh, I shut the curtains and turned around, my eyes half kissed tiredly.
When I turned around, I saw him, the man in red stood right before me. I didn't react, instead stood still, shaken with fear. I looked into his one eye, white just like the rest of his abnormal features. Glowing petals fell from the pure blanc flower on his other eye, disappearing before hitting the ground. He illuminated a white glow, his outfit casting a red shadow behind him. His long albino hair was draped across his shoulders and back, parts of the flower tangling with the soft strands. I took a step back, in denial of what was in-front of me. His one eye blinked, not looking at me, but instead a butterfly that had landed on his finger - the one that was sat on his chest prior. "Why do you fear death?" He asked, his eye flicking up to my own, glaring at me as if he already knew the answer. "What?" I asked, my voice shaky and quiet, my arms raised up against my chest in defence. "It happens to everything eventually" he spoke once more, his voice was deep but slightly paranormal, eluding to the idea he was a ghost or spirit-like being. I blinked in shock, unable to believe what was happening before me still. "What's wrong?" He asked, his face and voice completely emotionless. My hands shook nervously as he approached me, putting his hands on my shoulders as if to fully ground me. "Do I scare you?" He whispered, his grip on my shoulders becoming more tense. His voice felt as if it echoed around the room. I nodded my head in agreement, still admiring his scary yet beautiful appearance. "You shouldn't be scared" He said, leaning in close so he could whisper those words into my ear reassuringly. His chest pressed against my own in such close proximity. I felt my face heat up, maybe from embarrassment or from other feelings. His hands moved slowly from my shoulders down to my waist, pulling me closer to him in an intimate manner. "What are you doing?" I asked quietly, my voice slightly wavering under his influence. He didn't answer me, instead looked into my eyes with a gaze that said more than what words could.
It wasn't long before I was lay on my bed beneath him, wondering how and why this happened to me. It was so unlikely, or did he plan it? I moaned softly as he gently pecked my neck, his hands roaming my body, one of them tracing across my inner thighs. His white hair illuminated by streaks of bright moonlight shone before me, landing on my cheek as his head dipped further down, soft kisses landing on my collarbones. His knee was brought up between my legs, grinding against me lewdly as I lay in slight shock. I was already drenched, not at will but from his actions only, the pooling sensation only growing with everything he did to me. I held onto his shoulders as he continued to tease me, his other hand on my chest. Never had I thought such a thing would happen in these circumstances, especially not with this man. He moved both his hands to my waist, pulling me up gently and guiding me into a position where I was on all fours. I heard the fumbling of a belt which indicated what was going to happen, I bit my lip in unintentional anticipation. I arched my back slightly, reaching back to take off my underwear and discard it. Without wasting any time, he aligned himself with my entrance, mercilessly pushing inside. I winced as the pain outweighed the pleasure, the discomfort surely wouldn't last long though - I hoped. He was gentle enough, his soft hands holding my hips supportively as my chest rested against the bed, being able to glance back at him through the corner of my eyes. Moving carefully, I felt him thrust at a slow and steady pace as if to test the waters. I moaned quietly, the erratic sensation of pleasure sinking in like a silver bullet. My eyes rolled back slightly as he quickened his pace, his breaths becoming deeper and unsteady with each of his quick movements. I clenched my fists against the sheets, moaning out louder without a single care, the rush of ecstasy clouding my mind with a thick fog. One of his hands trailed up my back sending a small shiver down my spine, he continued to thrust himself inside me as he did so. With a quick tug, he yanked me up by my hair so my back was plush against his chest. His other hand snaked around me, clinging onto me for support. I let out cries of pleasure, feeling him hit deeper than before, making the familiar sensation of a climax arise. I felt him twitch inside me as he too neared his finish, moaning quietly into my ear - his soft hair draped around my shoulders. I couldn't hold myself back as I felt myself come completely undone, giving in to my climax which washed over me like a tsunami. It wasn't long after that he followed, also reaching bliss. I panted out for air as he finished, releasing inside me without a concern. He pulled out and held me close, gently pecking me on the lips.

This took too long to write.
1366 words yay. I have to finish writing requests after this which I hope won't take as long :)

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