Part 19 - My Girl

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Austin's POV
I look at Drew and Rudy. After Hazel left, they've been awfully quiet. My phone ringing, pulls me out of my thoughts, about what was going on here. It's mom.

Me: Hey, mom. What's up?

Mom *crying*: It's Hazel.

Me: M-mom? What happened?

Mom *crying*: She's at the hospital. We're on our way too!

Me: Fuck! What happened?

Everyone looks at me.

Mom *crying*: We don't know yet.

Me: I'll get there right now! See you!

Mom *crying*: Be careful!

I hang up and grab my jacket. My heart beats fast and my hands are shaking.

Madelyn: Austin? What's going on?

Austin: She's at the hospital.

Chase: Who?

Austin: Hazel.

Drew and Rudy: What?!

Austin: Mom just called and I have to get there!

Rudy: I'll come with you!

He looks around.

Madelyn: We'll stay together, remember?

She smiles at me.

Madison: I don't think I'd be such a good idea if we all would go there! Rudy and Austin should go!

We nod and Rudy and I rush to my car. We get inside and I drive towards the hospital. Fortunately it's only a few minutes away. I park the car and we run inside. We go to the reception.

Me: sister, Hazel North, has been brought here.

Receptionist: Wait, let me see!

A nurse runs to us.

Nurse: You are here for Hazel North?

Rudy: Yes!

Nurse: Come with me!

We follow the woman and she leads us to a room. Through a small window in the door, I see my sister laying on a treatment couch. Her eyes a closed and around her are nurses and two doctors.

Me: What happened?

Nurse: Who are you?

Me: Austin North, her older brother.

Rudy: Rudy Pankow, her boyfriend.

Nurse: The mall was on fire and inside were two girls, 16 and 7 years old, and a boy, 17 years old. She saved them all. The boy is still out and the two girls just get checked. Hazel is a hero.

Me: What are they doing to her?

Nurse: She got three third-degrees burns and a head damage. Also glass splinter had been at her.

Me: She'll do it, right?

Nurse: To be honest, I don't know.

I sigh and look back into the room. My little sister lays there calmly.

Nurse: Could you please to into the waiting room? And you still need to fill out some papers for her.

Rudy: Sure!

We go into the waiting room and the nurse gives us the papers. I fill them out with everything I know about Hazel. I check the form several times and put it on the table.

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