part 22 - 3 years later *spicy*

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Okay, a lot happened in the past 3 years. I've been in rehab for a year and then I've been in therapy. After rehab I moved in with my parents until I was ready to come back home. And today is the day. I'm gonna move back to L.A.
Austin and I talked a lot. We texted, called and face timed. I didn't talked to the others a lot. I congratulated Anna and Marta when they gave birth and even came back for a few hours, just to see their babies and them. Oh, and I met someone. But more about that later. You might think now, what about Rudy and Drew? Well, I ended it and I'm over them. They even talked to each other, when we called. They came along and they wished us good luck. And guess what. I'm not moving back alone! We're gonna move in together.

Me: Babe? Where is my phone?

Adelaide: I have it! Come on!

We grab our suitcases and rush to the parking lot, to get out of the crowd. We get a taxi and drive home.

Adelaide: I'm already so excited!

Me: I mean Austin already likes you.

You might know Adelaide. Adelaide Kane. She's been Mary Stuart in Reign, Cora Hale in Teen Wolf and Zoe Sandin in The Purge. Those were just a few examples. To be honest, she was my first female celebrity crush. And now I'm her girlfriend. I'm so happy.
Half an hour later, we arrive at my house. I pay the driver and get the house keys out of my bag. We go to the door and I unlock it. We go inside and put down our stuff.

Me: Welcome home, babe!

She kisses me and I return the kiss.

Me: Wanna see the house? A little tour?

She giggles.

Adelaide: Sure!

I give a room tour and then we start cleaning up.

Me: Wanna order a Pizza, later?

Adelaide: But can I have dessert already?

She bites her lip and comes close to me. She kisses me passionately and we fall down on the bed.


We lay on our bed, naked but covered with the blanket. Her dark hair looks messy, just like mine.

Me: We should keep cleaning up! If we can't even finish putting our clothes into the closet, how are we supposed to get the whole house ready?

She chuckles and I put on my shirt.

Me: What if I invite some old friends?

Adelaide: Yes! I wanna meet them!

I chuckle and take out my phone. I open our group chat and text in.

Me: Hey guys, we just came back home and Adelaide would like to meet y'all irl. Today, 8pm at my house?

Drew: I'm in!

Madelyn: Me and Chase too!

Rudy: I'm in!

Madison: I'll be there!

Austin: Where abt to come over anyways

Jonathan: Already excited!

Me: Great!

I close the app and open Spotify. I play my playlist and while cleaning up, my girlfriend and I vibe to different songs.


Madison: So, how did you meet?

Adelaide: Well, at her first night out, after rehab, we met a bar. We exchanged numbers and stärker texting. Three months later, we went on our first date.

Me: Yeah. That bar is magical!

She chuckles.

Madelyn: I'm so happy for you!

Drew: Yeah me too!

Me: Hey Rudy, what about you and Elaine?

Rudy: She's great! We're so happy!

Rudy started dating Elaine Siemek. I don't really like her but as long as he's happy, I'm too. Drew is still single but his fan base is growing quickly lately. Madelyn and Chase are still dating and seem super happy too. Madison and Mariah, her girlfriend are super cute and I really like Mariah. She's so cool and super nice. And she's so funny! And Madison deserves someone great! I think Jonathan is single but I kinda get the feeling, that he'll meet someone soon. Oh, and by the way, we ordered a Pizza. I missed all of them so much and it feels good to catch up a little.

Me: Wanna listen to some music, guys?

They laugh.

Rudy: Hazel and her music.

I chuckle and connect my phone with my Bluetooth speaker. We start dancing a little and laugh. Suddenly Adelaide stops the music and clears her throat.

Adelaide: Can I have everybody's attention, please?

We all look at her.

Adelaide: So, as you know, Hazel and I have been dating for 2 years. I could've never imagined to have such a strong connection to a person and to love someone that much.

She comes to me and takes my hands.

Adelaide: I love you, Hazel North.

She kneels down slowly and takes out a case and opens it. Inside it is a ring and happy tears run into my eyes.

Adelaide: So, will you marry me?

I look into her eyes. They're shining. I look at Rudy and he nods slightly at me, with a big smile on his face. I look at Drew and he also smiles at me, but having a slight sad look in his face. He nods at me and I look back at my girlfriend. I swallow.

Me: Of course I will marry you!

She puts the ring on my finger, quickly and comes back up to my face. I kiss her and my friends hug us. I smile at Drew and he smiles back happily. He hugs me and I return the hug. Austin comes to us and hug us too.

Austin: Hey, future sister-in-law.

Adelaide chuckles and puts her arm around me. She pulls me close again and kisses me.

Adelaide: Why did you look at Drew when I asked you?

Me: I don't know. He will always mean a lot to me and I just wanted to make sure, he's not hurt, you know?

Adelaide: I love you!

Me: I love you too!

We smile at each other and Austin hugs me again. It's seems like he's even more happy than I am, if that's possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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