Chapter 1

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I stared out the window of the bus. My head was on the glass,my eyes staring out at the bright outside. The sound of the loud chattering en golfed around me.

The noise was a large rude reason as to why I hated riding the bus. "YOU AND THE CHEERLEADER'S MAN!" came a shriek behind me and then was a sound of nasty laughter. Just like small children at the zoo, that's how high schooler's could act. "Hey Jasmine...Isn't your stop coming up?" came a voice next to me. I lifted my head and glanced at the person sitting next to me. A girl I talked to once in a while. Lola or something like that.

"Oh yeah thanks." I smiled and stood up grabbing my backpack from small space on the floor. Exiting the bus I looked down the long road ahead of me in distaste. Just freaking great,It always took me about half an hour to walk home. I let out a sigh and slowly started walking. The sky was blue and clear with the sun shining down. My mind was on other thing's though. 17 year's old and still no car. Still no license. Still no real idea of what to do with my life. I really sucked. I kicked a small rock scowling,totally lost in my own miserable thought's.

Here's a fact about me. I'm really clueless. Not in a feigning way either. More in the "Oh someone's killing a bird and I'm idly staring at a pretty flower" way. I really just do not notice anything. That's probably one of the worst trait's of mine. So when I suddenly tripped and went sprawling on the gravel pavement, my day's of being out of it went to a halting stop.

My chin scraped the gravel pavement and I let out a yelp of pain. My chin burned as I managed to pull myself up to sit on my knee's. I felt it and wiped off blood with a whimper. "What the hell?" I muttered and whipped my head around. What I had tripped over,was a body. I jumped up and started toward's him in astonishment. The burning on my chin increased but I ignored it,as I gaped down at the body.

It's not every day you see a naked body curled up on the side of the road. It was a a man. He was very pale,with black hair and his arms curled over his head. But as my mind twisted around what had just happened, he slowly moved and his arms dropped to his side. He sat up and two bright blue glittering eyes looked up at me. His body was chiseled and his face was beautiful. He was one of the beautiful thing's I had ever seen in my life.

I don't know how I snapped out of it,well probably when I glanced down and saw his uh..thing. " Holy Fu-!" I exclaimed with a blush. He blinked at me and a confused expression came across his face. "Shit. Shit. Um.. Listen Sir? " I said dropping down to sit next to him my eyes focused on his blue eyes. The naked boy just looked at me. "I'm going to call the police alright? You just need to ..uh.. " Without a thought, I took off my black sweater and gently without looking I put it on his lap. I cleared my throat then glanced around me. My backpack was laying near his naked butt.

Of course, I had forgotten my cell phone. Either in the bus or at school and I was cursing heavily. " Well now what?" I said pacing around in confusion. The naked had remained very quiet throughout this whole ordeal. He just sat there his pale skin glowing, my sweater part of his bottom half. His eyes followed my every movement.

"Ok" I huffed to myself and glanced at him. "I'm going to have to hitch a ride. I'll for them to drop you off at the hospital alright?" I said looking at his frozen confused face. He didn't say a word and I recoiled. This guy was really good looking, he was like a statue that had come to life. Except a bit younger looking. Why was he naked on the side of the road was beyond me.

But I had just noticed something that made my day even more shock worthy.

This mystery beauty had no belly button.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2013 ⏰

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