Chapter 1- bad for me

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Boys are bad for me, that's what my father always tells me. I know he probably just has his strict rules because he doesn't want anything bad to happen to me, but sometimes those rules can be a pain in the ass. Okay, scrap that, they're always a pain in the ass. Already for 12 years I've had private school. I'm seventeen years old right now. My mom died when I was only five. Since then it's like he tries to isolate me from the world. And if it were up to him, I'm sure he would keep doing that for the rest of my life. Happily for me, he was forced to put me in an actual high school for my last year. So you probably get that I'm totally freaking out. I mean how do you dress, how do you act, I literally have no fucking idea.

While I'm standing at the closet still trying to figure out what to wear, I look at my watch. Fuck, I only have ten minutes. I quickly grab something out of my closet and put it on. I run downstairs. I give a quick peck at my fathers cheek.

'Bye dad.'

'Bye sweetheart, and remember-'

'The rules yeah, I know.' I interrupted him. I grab my bag and walk out of the door. Benjamin, my chauffeur, already stands by the big black car. I walk over to him, and he opens the door for me as soon as he sees me.

'Good Morning Miss Campbell.'

'Just call me Leah, you make me sound like I'm thirty.'

After a few minutes, we arrived. I step out of the car as I say goodbye to benjamin. I gasp for a second at the sight of the huge school. Am I actually doing this? As I walk down the hall towards my locker, I feel everyone watching me, but I negate it.

'You are Leah Campbell, right?' I look at where the question came from. I see a girl with curly light brown hair and blue eyes. She looks at me with a big smile.

'Yeah.' I say, a bit insecure.

'I am Eve. I am supposed to be your guide on your first day.' She says happily.

'Oh, okay.' I give her a slight smile.

'I believe you have Spanish over about...' She looks over to her watch. 'Five minutes.'

'Do you have Spanish too?'

'Yup, but our teacher is not super chill, so we better hurry.' We hurry to the classroom and come just on time. As I walk in, I look over to the classroom. In the right corner, there are a bunch of girls talking loudly. When they see me and Eve, they wave at us. Eve takes my wrist and drags me to the girls. When I stand in front of the six girls Eve starts to introduce me.

'Guys, this is Leah, she is new.' I smile awkwardly at them.

'I am Grace.' Says a girl with long beautiful brown hair.

'These are Sabrina, Ashley, June, Rachel, and Brooke.' Grace says, pointing to the other five girls. They all give me an enthusiastic smile. When I sit down, the teacher starts talking. While the teacher explains a formula, my gaze starts to wander off to the rest of the class. That is when I see two black eyes stare at me intensely. The eyes belong to a boy with messy brown hair. He is wearing blue jeans and a white T-shirt that makes his muscles come out perfectly. I can't help but stare back at those piercing beautiful black eyes. Suddenly I feel Eve shake my wrist.

I look at her questioningly.

'I won't go there if I were you.'

'What do you mean?' I say confused.

'The guy you are looking at, that is Chase king. He may be hot, but he is a classical heartbreaker. He doesn't do dating. If he is with a girl, it's just for pleasure. So I warn you, do not fall for him.'

'Wasn't planning on it. And even if I did, my father would never let me.' I gave her a slight smile.

The school day is over. I stand outside waiting for benjamin to show up, but he is already five minutes late. That's when I feel someone tapping my shoulder. It's a blond girl with brown eyes, I believe her name was Sabrina.

'Hey, I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Sabrina. I wanted to ask if you want to go with me, June, and Rachel to the mall.' She looks at me with a big smile. They seem nice, and I want to go, but my dad's voice just keeps on echoing in my head.

'Uhhmm, I don't know. Don't get me wrong, I would love to go, but you see my father is a bit strict.'

'I get it, June's father is strict too, but he's barely home, so she just goes, But if you can't come, I totally get it.'

'Well, I guess going to the mall can't hurt that much.' I say while my father's voice slowly fades away.

'Yay, we are going to have so much fun!' Sabrina says while she grabs my arm.

Arrived at the mall, the girls grab me by the arm immediately.

'Shall we do her hair first or her clothes?' June asks Sabrina and Rachel.

'Well, if I go shopping for clothes, you and Sabrina can go to a hair and make-up stylist with her.' Rachel says.

'Agreed.' Says June while taking my hand and dragging me to a hair and make-up salon. Sabrina follows us.

'Okay, what's going on?' I ask not understanding what just happened.

'Make-over. I mean I love how you look now, but we could maybe make it even better.' Sabrina says smirking.

After a lot of fitting and choosing, I come out of the fitting room and walk to the mirror. I look at the person in front of me and barely recognize myself. My hair is cut, my make-up is done and my outfit looks great.

'And?' June says, looking hopeful.

'I love it, thanks. 'But I should go home now, or I swear my dad will kill me.'

'Okay, well let's go then.'

As we walk to the car, I suddenly have a urge to pee.

'You guys go already ahead, I still have to pee!' I scream while I run to the toilet. After I peed I walked over to the sink to wash my hands. Through the mirror I saw a lot of men walking in and out. In fact, I saw only men. I turned around and to my surprise, I looked straight into the black eyes of Chase. He raised an eyebrow, and that's when I realized. Fuck, I was in the men's room.

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