Chapter 3- The club is bad for me

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His warm breath on my neck is making me crazy. His fingers on my bare skin, god, I don't know how much more I can handle. Even though I'm scared to death, I keep on dancing, partly afraid of what will happen if I stop. I have no idea where my friends are, just when I need them, they magically disappear. Everywhere I look, I can see my dad's disappointed face. I know I shouldn't be doing this, going out to the club, lying and sneaking around, and dancing with a fucking stranger, but somewhere, it felt exciting. I am finally stepping out of my comfort zone, and it feels good, not bad like I always imagined. Suddenly I feel the hands of Chase turn me around so that I had to face him. I look into his dark eyes and stop breathing for a moment.

'And so we meet again.' Chase says with a grin.

'I guess we do.' I say, trying not to look at his sexy abs that come perfectly out of the shirt he's wearing. His hair is messy and falls a bit for his face.

'You look kinda hot in that dress. Too bad you're so innocent.' He says while checking me out. I feel one of his hands move to my ass, the other put a strand of hair behind my ear. He moves his mouth to my ear, and I shiver. His breath stinks to alcohol.

'I would love to fuck that innocence out of you.' He whispers in my ear. I freeze. No one ever even told me that he likes me, let alone that he wants to fuck me. To be honest, I am a bit afraid. I push him from me.

'You know, I think I am gonna go.' I walk away, too scared to even look at him.

Still in shock, I see the girls. Eve is making out with some random guy, Sabrina and Brooke are dancing together, and I don't see Grace or Rachel. Ashley is sitting at the bar staring at a random couple making out. She seems sad.

'Hey.' I say softly. Ashley looks up.

'Oh, hey.' She looks and sounds like she is drunk. I take the barstool next to her.

'That girl, she points at the girl making out with a guy, 'she seems to be straight.' Wait, is Ashley lesbian?

'And yes, I am an Lesbian.' She says before I can even ask my question.

'Oh, that sucks.' When I hear my own words, I realize how bad they sound. 'Not being lesbian of course! Lesbians are so cool. I meant that it sucks that she isn't.' I say awkwardly.

'Don't worry, I get it. And you? I saw you with mister. fuckboy.' She says, laughing. She is definitely drunk.

'Well, I found out, that mister. fuckboy, thought I was the perfect next sex victim.'

'That's just disgusting. You want to talk about it?' She asks.

'Not really.'

'Yeah, me neither. You want some?' She hands me a beer.

'Umm, I don't know.'

'Oh come on, it is not like it's going to kill you.'

'But that's where you're mistaking because my dad is.'

'Well he doesn't need to know, does he?' She says while pushing the beer in my hands.

'Okay, fine.' I slowly bring the beer to my lips en take a sip. It tastes awful.

'Ew, this is so gross.' I say with a disgusted face.

'I know right. I love it.' We both burst out in laughter.

The rest of the evening we spend talking and dancing together. I actually enjoyed myself a lot. When it's around 3 am, we decide to go home. Eve drops me off at my house.

As I lay in my bed, I can't stop thinking about what Chase said, Because even though it was quite disgusting, It felt oddly good knowing someone wants me.

The next morning, I wake up at the sound of my phone. It's 5 in the morning, my dad texted me. I open the text to see that he is not home till tomorrow morning. I let a sigh out. You would think that after so many years you will get used to the fact that he's never home, but somehow I'm always disappointed, over and over again. I let myself slide out of my bed. I take a quick shower. After having a quick breakfast, I look at my phone, it's six o'clock. I decide to go to the gym. That's the only public I could always go to, even without asking my dad.

When I arrive, I go straight to the treadmill, my favorite gym activity. I put earphones on and listen to my playlist while running. After running a while, I go to the punching bags. There are five punching bags, I usually take the one in the left corner, but I see that it's already taken by some guy. I grab my boxing gloves and go to the punching bag next to it. I begin punching as suddenly the punching bag from the guy hits me in the face. I almost fall. I put one earphone out of my ear.

'Thanks.' I say, sarcastic. The guy comes out annoyed from behind his punching bag. As he sees me, he laughs. I just look at him pissed.

'Jezus, of course, you're here. Are you a stalker or something?' I say, annoyed.

'Who put you in this bad mood?' Chase says, laughing.

'Well, there's this asshole, who told me he wanted to fuck me after only knowing me two freaking days, and then the next morning he punches his punching bag straight into my face.' I say angry.

'Oh, so I did say that yesterday evening. Yeah, sorry about that, I was really drunk.' He says grinning. I roll my eyes at him and go back to punching the bag. When I'm sure that Chase is back to boxing, I punch my bag really hard at exactly the right corner. And my plan works. My punching bag swings against his, because of the blow, his bag flies into his face.

'Wtf.' He says while looking surprised and accusingly. I burst out in laughter.

'What, you thought I wasn't strong enough to do it back.'

'Actually yes.'

'Oh come on, I bet I'm even stronger than you.'

'Really? Well, let's find out then, shall we?'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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