Chapter 2- Friends are bad for me

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'I'm in the men's room, aren't I?' I say, embarrassed. He chuckles.

'Yup. Do you have a reason, or do you just like peeing here?' He raises an eyebrow.

'No, I just needed to pee really badly, I usually don't go to the mall, and I just didn't realize that this was the men's room.'

'You're Leah, right?' He looks at me with a smirk.

'Yeah, that's me.' I say nervously while playing with my hair.

'Well Leah, you're kinda cute, a weirdo, but cute.' I felt my cheeks glowing.

'Oh, thanks. Well, I need to go now.' I say, finally brave enough to look at Chase's black eyes. I swear, I could drown in those eyes.

'Then go.' He says while looking at me with a grin.

'Yeah, right.' I say while awkwardly walking to the door. As I walk out of the men's room, I hear Chase chuckle again, asshole.

By the time I got home, it was already five o'clock. I walk the front door in and see in the living room benjamin sitting on the couch.

'Where were you?' Benjamin asks when he sees me.

'I could ask you the same question.'

'What do you mean?'

'You were late.'

'And you weren't even there at all.'

'I went with the bus.' Lying is not like me at all, but if my father knew I went shopping with some girls, he would go out of his freaking mind.

'Really? and where did you get that new haircut from.' Fuck I need to come up with another lie.

'I had an appointment with the hairdresser. That's why I couldn't wait until you showed up.'

'You had an appointment?'

'Yeah, you didn't write that down? I don't know if dad would be happy to hear about that.'

'Could you-'

'Not tell dad? don't worry, I wasn't planning on it.' After saying that, I went to my room looking at the clothes, that Rachel has bought for me. I see a lot of crop tops, jeans, short skirts, and a few short dresses. I really liked the clothes, I just wasn't sure if my dad would like them. I decide to start with my homework. After a while, I hear my phone giving a sound. I look at my phone and see a Whatsapp notification. Whatsapp was the only app I was allowed to download, only so that my father can text me if he won't be home, which was a lot. I open Whatsapp expecting that it's my father. I'm surprised if I see that it is an unknown number.

'Hi Leah, It's Eve. I got your number through school, I hope you don't mind. The girls and I were wondering if you wanted to go out with us. Will you let me know tomorrow?' Did they want to hang out with me again? For a long time, I didn't have people who wanted to hang out with me, and now I did and it felt good, not bad as my father always tells me.

'Honey, dinners ready.' I hear my father scream from downstairs. I walk from the stairs to the dining table and take my place opposite to my dad.

'How was school?'

'Good.' I mumble with my mouth full of food.

'Don't speak with a mouth full.' I swallow my food.

'Sorry, dad.'

'Doesn't matter sweety, have you done your homework?'

'Yeah.' I say nodding. For the rest of the dinner, it was still. Ever since my mom died, it was a lot of times quiet. My dad is always working, and if he's not, we have these awkward conversations. It's not that I hate him for it, I mean I love him and he does this so I can have a good and wealthy life, but sometimes I just wish he would be there for me more often. After eating dinner I go up to my room. I spent the rest of the night dancing in my studio. While dancing, I can let my emotions flow, which I don't do much.

The next morning, I wake up actually excited to go to school. I had forgotten how it was to have nice people around you. After showering, I put on one of the clothes that Rachel had bought. Lucky for me, my dad was already at work, so he won't see me in this crop top. While driving with benjamin to school, my father texts me.

'Hi hun, I won't be home for dinner. I'm home tomorrow around 10 o'clock. ' Great, I guess I will be eating alone then. That's when I got an idea.

'You won't have to pick me up after school, have a day free.' I say to Benjamin while texting Eve.

'I will go with you if you can give me a ride home.' Within 2 minutes, I get a response.


At school, I walk into Brooke and June.

'Hi!' June says enthusiastically.


'You're going with us to the club, right?' Brooke asks.

'Yeah, I guess so.'

'Do you have a dress? Oh, and not to forget a fake identity, of course.' As Brooke sees my startled look, she laughs.

'Don't worry, I wasn't counting on it. Grace will lend you a dress, and I will arrange the fake identity.'

'Wait, but isn't a fake identity against the law?' I ask second-guessing if I should go.

'Nah, Everyone does it. And we won't get caught.'

'Uhm, okay, if you say so.'

After school, Grace took me to her house. She has a huge closet.

'Here, try this.' She hands me over a very short black dress with cute heels.

'I don't know, isn't it really short?'

'Omg, you're so innocent and cute. No, It's not too short, and with your figure, you will rock this dress.' She says, giving me a sweet smile. I put it on, and it does fit me really well.

'You're already ready to go?' I hear Brooke screaming.

'Yeah, we're coming!' Grace screams back.

The club is filled with led lights and loud music. The song that was playing was one of my favorite songs.

'Shall we dance?' I asked the girls, Eve, Grace, Sabrina, and Ashley nod.

'I think we will go straight to the alcohol.' Rachel says laughing while grabbing the hands of June and Brooke.

I and the others go into the crowd. As I move my hips on the music I feel someone staring at me. I decide to ignore it while dancing further. After a while, I lost my friends in the crowd, but I didn't care, I was just focusing on dancing. While I run my fingers through my hair and jump onto the beat, I suddenly feel someone's hands on my waist. I freeze.

'Don't stop.' The stranger whispers in my ear. I don't know why but I do as he says, and start dancing again. That's when I realize that I know that voice, I would recognize that voice in even a hundred years. And then it hit me, I, the most innocent girl on earth, was at a club dancing with Chase.

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