056; i'm jealous of isaac

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"SHOW ME." CORBYN SAID AS HE SAT AT THE TABLE opposite the girl, watching her look up from her phone, "the big journal with shit falling out of it."

"Oh, right." Kate nodded, placing her phone to the side and grabbing her journal, "don't judge me because only person I've shown this all to is Evie."

"I won't judge," he shook his head.

"You know how I mentioned I threw out all my music stuff when my parents kicked me out?" Kate said as Corbyn slowly nodded, "I found my music journal with all my lyrics and songs in it and stuff - I've added a few more in the past few weeks but I thought I might as well bring it tonight."

"Can I look through it?" He asked her with a small smile, noticing the hesitant expression on her face, "are they all songs about personal experiences?"

"Yeah." Kate mumbled, sliding the journal across the table to the boy, "most of them are kind of sad songs but I have some more upbeat ones."

"How can you already tell what vibe they'd be?"

"Because I did more to them than just write them." Kate shrugged while Corbyn stared at her confused, "I made some actual songs."

"Shut up." He raised his eyebrows, "when?"

"Uh, a couple years ago." Kate shook her head, "I don't have the stuff anymore to do it but they're all stored somewhere."

"I had no idea you actually produced any." He said, flicking through the pages in her journal as she slowly nodded, "are you nervous?"

"Yeah," she said through a small laugh.

"You went quiet."

"I just.. i don't know they're quite personal to me so," she explained, "feel privileged because i don't ever think I'll show these to anyone-"

"You need to get into the music industry." Corbyn looked up at her as she froze, "I'll help you produce songs and we can...why are you looking at me like that?"

"No," she shook her head, "no because I said I'd never try that, my parents don't want that."

"But this is clearly what you want to do."

"Yes more than anything but.." she frowned.

"But what..?"

"Some people don't get what they want." Kate shrugged as her hands fell into her lap, "It's too late now it won't work out."

"I'll make it work out." Corbyn said, standing up and grabbing a laptop from behind where he was sat.

"Are you serious?" She looked at him, "you haven't even seen half of the journal yet."

"Yeah and you're putting every single thing in this journal into the world," he looked at her, "Kate it's insane, it's better than anything I've seen."

"You have your own album to worry about." Kate reminded him, "that's why you're on this whole break from social media?"

"We can do this on the side." Corbyn shrugged, "what instruments can you play?"

"Uh, guitar, piano, a little bit of the drums." She told him before standing up and walking over to where he was stood, "we don't have to do this now it's okay."

"But you want this." Corbyn turned to face her.

"Focus on your career." She sighed, "you have people waiting for your music."

"Do people ever call you selfish?" Corbyn furrowed his eyebrows as Kate rolled her eyes and nodded, walking back to her seat, "you're like the most selfless person i've ever met."

"Maybe I just don't care about what I do." Kate turned back to face him, glancing down to her phone.

As Corbyn sighed, he closed the girl's journal and pushed it to one side of his desk, walking over to where Kate was and taking a seat beside her.

"Is that because you don't think you deserve any better?" Corbyn spoke up softly with Kate staring at the floor before shrugging.

"I've done some pretty shitty things in my time." She laughed slightly, shaking her head and turning her head towards him, "this is just my karma."

"Just because you've done shitty things doesn't mean you're a shitty person." Corbyn smiled slightly.

"The only guy that likes me is some crazy stalker who I allow to treat me bad because he's all I have ever known." Kate explained, watching the boy's smile fall as he sighed, "what?"


"But you look sad." She frowned, "was it because I bought up Isaac i-"

"I really like you Kate." Corbyn looked at her and shrugged, "he's not the only guy that likes you."

"Is that why you... at the party when.."

"Yeah." He nodded once, "I'm jealous of Isaac."

Kate did nothing more than stare at him in silence, watching him bit the inside of his cheek before he shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair, standing up and grabbing his car keys.

And as he leant against the table closest to the wall, one arm was folded across him while the other was by his mouth, watching the girl sat with her back facing him, who was still sat in silence.

They stayed like this for a minute or so, Corbyn regretting what he had just said with every second that went past of Kate not responding to him, beginning to pace around the small space he put himself in.

Eventually, he turned to Kate as she grabbed her phone and stood up, grabbing her jacket off of her chair and walking out of the studio without speaking a word to the boy stood right behind her.

Within seconds, Corbyn had placed his hands on the side of his head before shaking it, a frown on his face while he sat back down and his leg began to bounce, unsure of what to do with the regret inside him and a girl who had clearly freaked out.

(˚୨୧🔪⋆。🛒˚ ⋆ ⛓)


double update lol

but uh ohhhh :((( thoughts though?

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