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Brick was amused. He got an actual mission that wasn't fighting the Powerpuff Girls. Although it was granted by his half-sister, but it was much more interesting than what HIM and Mojo had to offer.
He could tell Butch agreed as well. He seemed quite excited about it earlier this morning. They were now in the forest.
The phone rang.
"Butch! Answer it you lazy son of an ass!" Brick yelled
Butch stumbled as he got off the couch and picked up the phone.
"Hello?" Butch muttered
"Hello...Brother." Amira said over the phone.
"Hey, Ames..." Butch said nervously
"There should be a maple tree and behind it, three test tubes. Not to far from the tree is a fire." Amira instructed.
Brick and Butch located the tree and found the test tubes.
"Found em. What next?" Butch asked
"Find a way to put it into or onto something that the Powerpuke Girls come in contact on a daily basis with." Amira instructed.
"So like their clothes?" Butch asked
"No. Clothes are absorbent. They will notice." Amira said over the phone. Amira glanced at Boomer and her ex-sisters who were sleeping soundly.
"It would be best to put it in a liquid. On the tree, should be a drone. The drone have invisibility settings on it. Use it to spy on the Powerpukes." Amira said
"Anything else?" Brick asked as he grabbed the drone.
"Butch? Brick? Don't let me down." Amira said before hanging up.
"Bunny" yawned.
"Who was that Shivani?" "Bunny" asked
"Did you hear anything?" Amira asked
"No I just saw you hang up." Bunny replied.
"It was my half-brothers. They wanted to know if I was ok." Amira said rubbing her neck and looked downwards.
"That's sweet! They must overprotective!" "Bunny" said
"Go back to sleep, Bun-Bun." Amira said rolling her eyes.
Amira gagged. How long did she have to pretend?
"Aw...You have a nickname for me!" "Bunny"squealed
"Go. To. Sleep." Amira said aggressively
"Ok.Ok. I'll sleep." "Bunny" said rolling her eyes.
Bunny lied down and attempted to go back to sleep.
Amira sighed. She prayed her brothers were doing well.

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