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Guys continue to whistle at me, some of the big headed, condescending jerks try actaully hit on me. Piper only laughs as if it was some joke, Jason seems a little confused.
"Wow Annabeth you're like a shiny new toy." Pipes in Rachel,  I look over at her with a blank face.
"Yeah well I'm not to be played with so they can look somewhere else." Percy hasn't came back which is weird. It's not that I care are anything. Yeah... pfft.
"Sorry about running off earlier, I was just worr-"
"Hey you got nothing to worry about I'm not that type of girl, seriously I thought you knew me better."
Lies just came out from my mouth, what's wrong with me?
Nothing, idiot. You're just taking what's yours.
What? He isn't anyone's so don't day that.
Say what? You're one annoying person.
Shut Up! You're Me. Oh gods am I going nuts?
"I know I'm sorry." She puts her head down a little bit in shame. Piper giggles.
"Annabeth won't have a hard time finding a boyfriend anyhow I mean look at her." I blush and look away, Jason laughs pulling Piper closer.
"Don't turn gay on me McLean, because you're mine. You hear that Annabeth,  mine." This causes Piper and I to break out in fits of giggles.
"Oh don't worry Jason my eyes are on someone else." My eyes focus on Percy as he returns with the rest of our group. He smiles at me, his sea green eyes sparkling, I literally melt inside. I smile back.
"Annie!!!!!" Thalia screeches, her and Luke both envelope me,  just like old times I'm still to small.
"Thalia!! Luke!! Guys I think I missed you two the most." Percy does this adorable pout while Thalia sticks her tongue out at him,
"Really? Wow Wise Girl, I'm so hurt." He puts his hands over his heart.
"Oh Shut up Seaweed Brain." I laugh. To make him feel better I kiss his cheek, which Rachel doesn't like. Good. Frank and Hazel are the next people I greet with a hug.
"Gosh Hazel you haven't changed a bit, but Frank.. huge growth spurt." They only nod but don't say much, they never really ones for words.
"Aye Annabeth!! I was wondering when you'd come back around." Leo gives me this weird side ways hug, he has goggles on his head.
"You dork, what's with the goggles." Leo pats his head and shrugs, I'm betting he forgot.
"I think it's cute." Nico kisses his cheek. I squeal, 
"No way? Who is with who?" My question seems to take them aback a little. Thalia grabs Luke's hand, Hazel stands closer to Frank, and Jason still hasn't left Piper's side yet. Rachel and Percy don't move.. what?
Isn't it obvious? They don't want to make anything awkward.
Why should it matter?
Duh, you and Percy are meant to be together, eveyone knows that. Eww Perachel. Who likes that?
Okay Shut up before they notice.
Notice what? You staring at nothing like a retard. They can't hear us stupid.
I really hate you.
Of course you do, I'm the smart part of the brain.
Just Shut up.
"What about you? Found anyone special back in Calfornia?" Piper wiggles her perfect eyebrows. I nod my head no, I didn't fancy anyone. I mean there was James but that wasn't a big deal, I know my other best friend John Smith had this massive crush on me but that was like no big deal.
"Don't worry we'll find you the perfect boyfriend." Winks Hazel, just then Conner Stoll kisses my cheek,
"That won't take long."he runs off laughing. with his Brother Travis and Katie following him, both giving me an apollogetic (Lol) smile.
"Stoll!! You're a dead man." I was about to chase him but Percy grabbed my forearm.
"Just leave it." He growls. He frowns not looking pleased. Okay...?
"Fine. Buuutt who has grade twelve Pre Calculus?" All their eyebrows go up. Jason and Frank raise their hands. Obviously both skipped a grade.
"Wow Annie, you nerd." Thalia teases bumping me with her shoulder. I stick my tongue out,
"Let's go, I don't want to be late." I pull Frank and Jason with me, both pouting because they didn't get a good by kiss.
"Typical Annabeth." Frank chuckles. I just roll my eyes,
"Hey shush, it's my first day. So I want to make a first good impression."
"Why do talk so serious? Always in monotone voice?" Questions Jason.
"Never mind that, let's just hurry." I keep insisting, they only laugh.
"Fine let's go." They pull me down the crowded hallways, giving me details on all the teachers, like what will win them over, things they like, dislike, the best spot to sit, stuff like that. My first day so far is.. something. I just hope lunch goes well.

Okay how was that my darlings? These characters do not belong to me, they are owned by rick riordan.

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