Chapter Twenty-One

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Spending her last week with Sam was surreal to Kate. She couldn't imagine going through weeks at a time without seeing her best friend. It just seemed wrong. They'd been together for so long. They'd even had Iona switch Sam from different classes a few times so they could have the same teacher through elementary school, and they mostly had the same classes in high school until Kate started taking advanced courses. 

Now it felt like Kate was leaving the most important piece of her life behind, and she wasn't sure who she would be without Sam at her side.

They went to the pool, they hung out on Sam's porch, and they even spent the night on her old trampoline in her back yard like they used to as kids. It wasn't as comfortable as Kate remembered, and they ended up going inside around four in the morning after Sam started complaining about bugs. 

They hung out at the diner, and Sam even picked up a few shifts as her Grandma was making her pay for her own parking tickets now. Kris said he was tapped out too so Sam had to get a job.

"I guess hanging out with Gloria and Melody isn't too bad," Sam said with a sigh as she filled up a soda for a customer. "I hate being on this side of the fence though. I really like sitting at the counter and harassing you instead."

"Now you smell like french fries too," Kate said; smirking.

Kate packed up for college on a Sunday, and she stuffed all of her belongings in the back of the jeep. Her parents asked her if she wanted them to come with her, but she didn't want a big fuss over her room. It was only a two hour drive anyway. She wondered what Marc was doing, and when he was going to leave, but she didn't ask as they weren't speaking or texting.

She'd tried to text him and apologize for exploding at him in the parking lot, but he didn't answer. She'd glanced at his social media though, and it seemed he and Rachel were together now. A late summer romance, she thought after she had finally stopped crying as she saw a picture of them with their cheeks together as they smiled for the camera.

"Assholes," she said quietly.

"He's only dating her to get back at you," Sam said when Kate showed her the picture. "She's liked him for ages, and he never gave her the time of day because he was only into you."

"Well, he's with her now," Kate said gloomily. "Rachel is so beautiful and bubbly. I can see why he likes her. Everyone at school liked her, you know? She was so obnoxiously popular. You're the only one who hated her."

"And I was right!" Sam said with triumph. "I told you!"

"Yeah, yeah," Kate said with a smirk. "Oh, there is Georgia."

Georgia was headed down the street in her brand new red SUV. Kate was going to follow Georgia to school as she was terrible with directions. Sam and Kate's parents were all out in front of the house and ready to say goodbye to Kate early in the morning.

Sam had her arms folded as she looked at the shiny, red SUV. "I wish my Grandma would buy me a car like that."

"My parents laughed at me when I asked for a used car so I don't think it's going to happen for me," Kate said. "Like they literally started laughing hysterically and had tears in their eyes. Jerks."

"Hey guys!" Georgia pulled up behind Kate. "Are you ready Kate?"

"Not really," Kate admitted, "but I guess it's now or never."

Sam looked serious now. It was really happening. It was almost as if Sam hadn't believed it until now. She was quiet as Kate hugged her parents goodbye, and her sister. Sam stayed back, and she had her arms folded across her thin chest as she stood in one of Kris's white t-shirts and her favorite cut off jean shorts.

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