Chapter Twenty-Two

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At least Kate had the big trip to look forward to, she thought. Her Dad was taking Kate and Sam to Europe in August. She had their whole trip planned, and the places they would see. Her Dad hadn't traveled much since he his own college days so he was looking forward to it too.

Also there was the beach part. Steve's beach party. He invited Kate on the phone after she got Sam's face to face invitation. He wanted to make sure she could make it.

"It's not officially your party, but I'm mostly throwing it so I can see you," Steve said. "Sam always said you loved the lake so I thought we could have a big shindig there to start the summer. Bring your swim suit!"

The lake always made Kate a little sad as she and Marc always hung out there in the summer, but that was over. She wondered if she'd even see him this summer. She didn't know what he was doing, after all, since they didn't talk anymore. She tried not to focus on him as she picked out a green bikini for the beach party, and she drove the jeep down to the lake.

The party was already in full swing by the time she walked down to the sand. There were barbecues set up in a line, and someone had set up a volleyball net. There were long tables covered in food, desserts and drinks, and white loungers set up all over the sand. Steve had clearly taken over the lake, and everyone seemed to be having a blast as the music blared, and the sun beat down on them.

Kate felt slightly out of place as she barely recognized anyone. There were some kids from her high school, but most of them seemed older. She figured they were Steve's friends from over the years. She'd gotten to know a few of them last summer, but she'd mostly just hung out with Steve. Sam said she would meet Kate there, but it was so crowded that Kate hadn't spotted her yet.

"Kate! Kate!"

Steve was grinning at the sight of her. He was shirtless and in a pair of blue swim trunks. His hair was shorter, but he looked as gorgeous as ever. She felt her face flush as he grabbed her up in a hug, and she saw the sprinkle of freckles on his shoulder that she remembered from their night together last summer. It all seemed so long ago, but it was staring her right in the face as he pressed his body against her own.

"I'm so glad to see you," Steve said as he hugged her. "I missed you around here."

"I'm sure," she said; laughing as they separated although he kept his hands on her waist.

"I did!" He grinned. "Look I know all my parties are epic and amazing, but they were always missing something."

"You're full of it," Kate said, but she was smiling. "I see you've taken over the lake. Do you know how to just have a normal party?"

"Nope," Steve said as he glanced around. "Why have a party if you're going to half-ass it, right? I had to start the summer with something big to impress you anyway."

"I am very impressed," Kate said honestly. "Just hanging out and doing normal stuff is okay with me too though."

"You mean I don't have to throw a carnival the next time I want to hang out with you?" Steve smirked; his arm going around her waist as he walked her towards the drink table.

"Ha ha," Kate said as he found her a Sprite. "Oh, thanks."

"So I heard you ran into your ex-boyfriend on your way out of school," Steve said as he and Kate made themselves comfortable on a white lounger that he'd saved for her. 

"What? From who?" Kate asked; feeling shocked for a moment, but then she remembered. "Sam has a really big mouth."

"I think she was trying to make me jealous," Steve said with a sigh as they sat down side by side with a plate of food that Steve had gotten for them. 

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