If The World Ends.

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   "Chat Noir!" Ladybug called out, flinging her yo-yo towards him to stop his fall. She watched him dangle below her from the rooftop before turning slowly to eye the enemy. She felt her blood boil as the Akumatized villain laughed in her face. 

   "I'd love to chat, Ladybug, but I've got a job to do." His metal clawed hand reached out for her earrings, the cold hand grazing against her cheek. Ladybug tugged on her yo-yo and sent Chat Noir into the air. He landed safely next to her, an angry glare in his green eyes. "Let's finish this. What do you say, m'lady?" He winked at her, calling out his Cataclysm, and charging toward the villain. Ladybug wound her yo-yo around the large figure as Chat Noir's hand contacted the bracelet on the victim's arm. 

   "Another citizen saved." Chat smiled, patting Ladybug on the back. She smiled in return, but shook his hand off. "I guess they're right. Team work does make the dream work." He continued on as they went behind two separate walls. "You know, m'lady, I think we're at the point where we could reveal our identities." Chat noir pushed himself against the wall behind him, letting his time wear off. 

   "Not a chance, kitty. Our identities are secrets and you know that." Ladybug sighed in response, letting her head gently hit the wall. 

   Both of their kwamis had recharged and now they sat, side by side, looking out at the glowing city of Paris. Chat Noir's hand sat inches from Ladybug's, his bones itching to meet her's. "Ladybug, have I ever told you how much you mean to me?" He asked quietly, looking over at her. He noticed a smile appear on her lips in the golden glow of the Eiffel Tower. "Because you mean a lot to me." He slid his hand toward her's and interlaced their fingers. Ladybug looked down, a pink blush spreading onto her face as her eyes found their hands comfortably laced together.

   For a moment, just a moment, everything was right. Ladybug's heart pounded in her chest and her eyes darted away from the sight, looking anywhere but at Chat Noir. He held a similar expression. Adoration had filled his eyes and the world around him disappeared as he stared at the girl next to him. He had been dreaming of this--of them. He wanted to say several things. He wanted to tell her how he truly felt, but something blocked him. It was as if there was a wall in front of his feelings, holding everything inside. 

   So, he said nothing. A so did Ladybug. Their breathing was in sync as Chat Noir moved closer to her. But, like she was on a timer, Ladybug whipped her head toward him with a shocked expression. She yanked her hand out of his and stood hastily. Chat frowned and looked up at her. The blush remained, a sign that she too had felt the warmth of their hands together. But her eyes told a different story. "Chat we can't." She mumbled while looking down at him. "We can't do this. Hawkmoth could use it as an advantage, you know this." She felt tears brim her eyes as she turned away from him, her feet cemented to the ground.

   Chat stood up, too, and stared at the back of her head. "I know." He sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder. "But you can't deny it felt right." He stepped closer to her and wrapped his arms around her, holding her against him gently. "You and me, we were teamed up for a reason, m'lady. You must know that now." Chat whispered into her ear, resting his chin on her shoulder. All Ladybug did was sigh. Her head dropped and she looked at her feet, avoiding thinking of the two of them together.

   "Maybe.." She mumbled.

   "Maybe? Ladybug we are meant to be together, I know it." He loosened his grip and walked around to face her. The moonlight mixed with the city lights blended perfectly to illuminate her. She was glowing. Her eyes sparkled and at that moment, nothing was more perfect than Ladybug. No one ever would be as perfect as her. She looked up at him, a sad look in her eyes. "Chat Noir, we're partners. Superheroes. Nothing more and I don't think it was intended for us to be more." 

   Chat Noir shook his head, his palms placed firmly on her shoulders. "Don't say that. Please don't say that." He choked out. "Ladybug I love you. Just, please, let us be together. Even if it's just tonight." Tears welled in his eyes as he looked at her. He feared she might say no and that things between them would be weird, but instead,

   Ladybug pulled him into her, wrapping her arms around his torso. "Just for tonight." She whispered, burying her head in his chest. Chat smiled softly and placed his arms around her shoulders, holding her tightly. 

   They stayed like that for a while, taking in the other's presence and simply enjoying the moment. Chat's face rested on the top of Ladybug's head as he looked out at Paris. The city was quiet. With most people asleep, it created the perfect atmosphere around them and gave them a beautiful backdrop. Ladybug took in Chat's scent, letting it overthrow her senses entirely. She found herself lost in her mind filled with Chat Noir only. Nothing had felt this right before.

   Chat pulled away from her, sliding his hand down her arm and lightly taking her hand. He walked her over to a wall and sat down, beckoning for her to sit next to him. So she did. She sat right next to him and laid her head against him. He had one arm wrapped around her as if he was scared something would come take her from him at any moment. She played with his fingers, completely lost in thought. 

   "It's nice seeing you relax. You're always so tense." Chat mumbled as he let his own head rest against her's. "Well, we're always fighting Akumas, kitty. Not really time to be relaxed." She took a deep breath, fully acknowledging the atmosphere. She felt like she was dreaming. Chat Noir's arm rested around her waist, holding her like he had several times before. But this time felt different. She felt calm. Safe, even. Something she had never felt when fighting alongside Chat Noir. She was always worried about the citizens, capturing the Akuma, even keeping Chat Noir safe. She never could've imagined she'd be sitting in his arms. 

   "It's good to take a break every once and a while, m'lady." He smiled. Ladybug let herself smile, too, allowing the calmness to course through her body. She scooted herself closer to Chat, if that was even possible, and closed her eyes gently. She just wanted to remember how it felt to be in his embrace. She wanted the feeling imprinted on her brain. She wanted more than anything to be able to have this feeling all the time. 

   Their fingers were interlaced loosely as they both let themselves be sucked into the moment. Neither of them wished to move, but as the night went on, they soon both realized they'd have to leave. 

   Chat Noir looked down at Ladybug, who was curled up against him. "I'll love you forever, Ladybug." He said softly, allowing himself to place a kiss on the top of her head. "Forever is a long time, Chat." She sighed. She decided in her mind that she never wanted to leave this moment, but something nagged at her from deep inside her mind. Something that reminded her the dangers of allowing this to go on. Allowing their love to go on.

   "If the world ends..." Chat started, his voice trailing off, "if the world ends you'll be there with me, right?" He asked, tightening his grip on her hand. "Always, chaton. Always."

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