Chapter 10: Almost There

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It was dead silent in the car after all of that, even if the guys had thought that it was funny, as I for one was one of those that thought that it was, for the girls, that was not the case at all, as it was clear that it had scared them half to death, which made it even more funny to me, as I did my best to hide the smile that I had on my face right at this very moment in time, from Marion, as I could tell that it did in fact have her quite a bit off of her game.
I was not going to lie, I still felt like it all had been worth it, as it now felt like all of the sudden, Alexander was back to his normal self now, as he was talking a lot, just like he always did, which did in fact make me feel a whole lot better about this trip. I was not a sheep to him at all, but I felt like, if he really was a bit afraid, and he really had been bothered by all of it, than I felt like I should be a bit worried about it just as he had been never the less.
Maybe it was just scary stories that his family had told him when he was younger, and he now realized all of it now, as he felt like a bit of an idiot for acting so scared not all too long before now, as I could hear that they were jamming to some NLE Choppa from the front seat of the car. I was not the biggest fan of that guy at all, if I was not going to lie, as I really did not like rap all too much either, though I did have a dying passion for Dax and Juice WRLD how ever.
I did not really agree with some of the stuff that Dax said, but I did feel like he had a good message, and a good heart behind what it was that he said in his songs. I knew that Alexander often laughed at me, due to the fact that I was of course a fan of that guy, but I really could not help it, as the guy seemed to be a genuine good dude. I was not really in to all of that gang rap, where they talked about shooting all of their friends, and all of that other shit that they were in to.
I thought it was kind of funny that they were in to that kind of music never the less, considering the fact that they were not in gangs, and they did not have guns at all. They did do drugs though, which was also a thing that I was not all too supportive of, though I felt like I should just let them do it, as I knew that they got a bit angry when I did not let them do such a thing, as they would say stuff like, 'youre not my father! I hate my father any ways!'
Well... That usually was what Alexander would say at least, as I knew that Zachary and his own father had a bit of a good relationship with one another, as I sighed just a bit to my self, all at the exact same time too, as I felt like I should not be all too worried about any of that at all right now, as I was simply just glad to see that my best friend was back to acting the normal way that he always did, which did in fact not only make the car ride a little bit more enjoyable, but also the fact that it just made this entire trip feel a whole lot better now.
I now was not worried about the bull shit story that Alexander actually for some reason seemed to believe, about his uncle going out to the mountains when he was a lot younger. A part of me felt like he was making it up, but at the same time as well, I also felt like his family night have told him a story like that, due to the fact that he liked to go and do stupid things, and he had always been a fan of the fact that we should go and try to cross the border illegally some day, which of course we had done a few times never the less.
I was just not all too sure as to why they might be worried on the fact that he would ever want to go up to the Old Mountain Winter Hunting Grounds how ever, as I blinked my eyes at the exact same time too, as I tried my best to try to not get all too worried, nor all too focused about any of it how ever, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self, and I stared at the front of the car, where the both of my friends were still jamming to their rap music.
I stared for just a little bit longer, as a bit of a grin popped up on my face, due to the fact that my friend was back to normal. I shook off all of those thoughts all at the exact same time as well how ever, as I got my focus on what it was that was going on right now in the rest of the car how ever, as I then turned my head over to all of the girls, as I looked over at my girl friend, getting ready to send a streak, or post on her story, as to the fact that what it was that she was saying was of course '@AlexRossAnder04 @YonkersItsZach, those ass holes pulled a trick on us, that was not funny at all'.
I saw that she had a bit of a spooked out look on her face, as it was clear that she was making sure that she was a bit over the top with what it was that she was about to send in the first place any ways, as I rolled my eyes a bit, as I then let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self once again, as I looked away from her, and over to the other girls, just to see as to what it was that they were doing right now, as I saw that Rosalinda was just scrolling through IG, and so was Sharise as well, as I looked away from them at the exact same time too.
I turned my head over to Marion, to see as to what it was that she was doing now, as I saw that she was sending the message to people. I blinked my eyes a few times, as I waited to hear a buzz come from my phone, as I knew that I had a streak with my girl, as for some odd reason or another, it made her feel a little bit better, knowing that we had a streak with one another. It did not bother me all too much, as it was simply just a few seconds out of my day, as I did not scroll through stories, such as the girls did.
I waited just a few moments, as I knew that at any moment, I was going to get the buzz from snap chat on my own phone, but as the time seemed to keep on going, I noticed that I did not get a buzz at all from my phone. I squinted my eyes over at Marion, a bit suspicious as to what it was that she had done, and who she had sent that to in the very first place any ways, all of the sudden, as I had been quite a bit over the top on all of that, even since she had cheated on me last year.
I had said that I had forgiving her for it, but if I was going to be honest with my self, I had not, and I felt like I never would, as I felt like I always had to look over my back now a days, due to that fact. I sighed, as I felt like I really should not be all too worried about it at all how ever, as I would know if she had sent it to any one that might be a little bit suspicious, as I knew that Alexander and Zachary would know who it was that she had sent it to, as I was sure that she had most likely just posted it on her story.
There was also the fact that, for all that I knew, my phone could be out of service right now, due to the fact that we were of course in Canada right now for one thing, but also the fact that my phone might be dead right now for all that I knew, as I really had not checked the battery on it this morning, when I had checked my messages, to see if my girl had messaged me, just as she usually did every morning, which of course, she did in fact do as such a thing this morning.
I sighed, as I felt like I should stop being so stressed out, as I felt like I was being a little bit too over the top right now, as I then stared at Marion for a few moments, as I then saw her lift her head up all of the sudden, as it was clear that she had noticed me doing as such a thing. She tilted her head, as it was clear that she was a bit lost on what it was that I was doing, as it was clear, that I had been trying to get her attention at the same time too.
I was glad that I had got her attention at the same time as well, as I really did not like it when she sat on social media all of the time, as a lot of the reason that I had been a bit excited about this trip, was not just to scare Alexander, which at this point felt like I should give up on that, but it was also the fact that I was trying to spend some good time with my girl, and my friends, where we were not going to be stuck on our phones all of the time, as I then sighed to my self at the same time too, and I then moved a little bit closer to Marion all of the sudden.
I could tell that she was a bit lost on what it was that I was doing, but I already had my mind set on what it was that I was about to do, as I then got a bit closer to her all at the exact same time as well, and I then gave her a big kiss on the lips, which I could tell surprised her quite a bit, but she did not deny it at all, which in fact made me feel a whole lot better on the fact that she was not doing any thing with any other guy as well, as I then let go of her, and I let out a bit of a sigh of relief at the exact same time as well.
It just made me feel a lot better, to do that, as I felt a lot safer, due to the fact that I knew that I had her by my side at the same time as well. We stood there for just a few moments in time, before I finally did in fact begin to start to speak up to her. I could tell that she was still at a little bit of a loss for words all at the same time too, but she did in fact listen as to what it was that I had to say to her in the very first place any ways at the same time as well, how ever.
"I love you so much... You mean every thing to me Marion..." I said to her, as I saw that it immediately brought up a big smile on her face, which made me feel a lot better about all of it at the exact same time too, as I blinked my eyes a few times, ignoring the fact that I could only see her, due to the fact that her phone screen was lighting up the very back seat of the car right now, as I had a big fat grin on my face, all at the same time too.
Marion smiled right back at me, as I could tell that she knew that I had meant what it was that I had said to her at the same time too, as I was just looked at each other for quite a bit of some time, as it all felt real to me. It was a bit of a strange trip, as it was so far, but it did feel like this was just what it was that I had needed, as I was sure that I was going to be spending some very good, and some very note worthy time with my girl on this trip.
Marion looked at me for just a few more moments, as she then tried to reach over and give me a bit of a big hug at the same time too, as it was clear to me, but sadly, the seat belt stopped her from doing such a thing, as she was then thrown back quite a bit. Marion was a bit surprised that the seat belt was that strong, as I saw quite a shocked look on her face, but as I began to laugh on what it was that had just happened, she too began to laugh quite a bit loudly.
I knew that it got the attention of the rest of the car on us, but I really did not care at all, if I was going to be honest with my self, as I knew that we were not little kids any more, and there was no point in denying the fact that we all had girl friends, that we all loved to death never the less as well. I knew that though I was not the biggest fan of theirs, they were very much like my girl was, even if Marion was in fact smarter than the both of them, combined, it felt like at times.
Marion did act like them, and she was in to the same things as them, it was not that big of a deal at all to me how ever, as I knew that the girls loved their guys back, so there was nothing to be complaining about at all right now, as we just stared at each other right in to each others eyes once again, until Marion once again leaned in for another hug, this time going a little bit slower than she had been before, that way she did not get thrown back by the fact that the seat belt had locked on her like last time.
Once she did as such, I then held on to her for quite a bit of some time, as the hug felt surreal to me, as I knew that I did in fact love this girl to death, with out a doubt in my mind, as I knew that I needed to leave all of every thing else in the past at this point, as I knew that she was a lot younger back when she had done what it was that she had done, and she also knew at the exact same time too, that she had made a bit of a big mistake at the exact same time too, which I was glad that she at least knew that.
I breathed in quite a bit heavily, as we held on to each other for quite a bit of some time, until I then all of the sudden heard a whole bunch of noise from the front of the car, that got my attention, as I was a little bit lost on what it was that was going on right now, as I then all of the sudden let go of Marion, and I turned my head over to the front of the car, just to see as to what it was that was going on right at this very moment in time any ways.
I saw that it was Zachary, and I also saw through all of the light that was in the car right now, that he was staring at me from the rear view mirror, with a big smile on his face for some odd reason or another, which I was not all too sure as to just why that was the case in the very first place any ways, as I tilted my head just a little bit, not all too sure as to just what it was that was going on with him right now, nor why he was looking at me right now, either.
I then all of the sudden, at the exact same time began to realized what was going on, as he was whistling quite a bit loudly, and cheering us on, as it was clear that he had seen all that had just gone on in the first place any ways, as after just a few more seconds as well, he then began to speak at the same time too. I let out a bit of a soft sigh, as I then rolled my eyes at him none the less, as I felt like I did not have much of a choice but listen as to what it was that he had to say to every one in the car right now, as I did in fact of course, listen as to just what it was that he was saying.
"Who hoo! Come on! Use your tongues, don't be so scared!" He said to me and Marion, as it was clear that he had been paying full attention some how, as to what it was that was going on in the back seat at the exact same time as well, as I rolled my eyes once again, not all too sure as to how he had noticed all of that going down, when he was bopping to some NBA YoungBoy now, at the front of the car with Alexander, who I now so that he too had his eyes on us as well, as he had cracked a big of a grin on his face at the exact same time too, even though he did not have a clue as to just what it was that was even going on right now in the first place. I let out a bit of a soft sigh, as I was quite a bit annoyed by it, as I kind of just felt like I wanted a bit of some alone time with Marion right now. There goes the fact that I had said that my friends had grown up a little bit, I suppose, as I grunted just a bit at the exact same time too, not all too sure as to what it was that was going on right now. I saw the girls at the same time too, with big smiles on their faces right now, as they had their phones out, and they were pointed right on me and Marion right now. I was quite a bit annoyed now, with all of the attention that we were getting right now, as I sure hoped that we were not on IG Live right now. I shook my head, as I shook off all of those thoughts all at once how ever, as Marion all of the sudden did some thing that I whole heatedly did not expect at all, as I then felt her grab on to the back of my head, as she then reached in to give me another kiss. I was a bit surprised by it, as I then felt her tongue go in to my mouth, I did not deny it at all how ever, as it felt amazing, and it felt whole some too, as I held back on to her, as I then heard the cheering become louder, from not just Zachary, but from the rest of the car this time, as Zachary was of course, the one who did in fact continue to speak how ever, as we then let go of each other, as I then listened as to what it was that he had to say in the very first place any ways. "There we go! That is what we like to see!"
I rolled my eyes once again, as I shook my head at the exact same time too. I felt like they were a bunch of idiots, as I grunted at the same time as well, as I figured that I should not be all too worried about any of it at all either, as it felt really good in side of me, as to just what it was that had happened in the very first place any ways, as I wiped off the lip stick that I had on my mouth now, as I just cracked a little bit of a smile, as all of the hype seemed to wear off finally, at the same time too.
I looked around at the car, as I then saw that every one was going back to normal now, as I saw that the guys were up at the front, jamming to the rest of the NBA YoungBoy song, and the girls were back on their phones, scrolling through what ever it was that they were looking at right now, as I heard Sharise let out a bit of a disgusted groan all at once, as to what ever it was that had just come up on her Twitter news feed.
I rolled my eyes, for not the first time, once again, as I felt like I should not be all too bothered by this at all right now. I was still quite a bit worn out, if I was not going to lie to my self, as to the fact that I had not got the best of sleep at all last night, as I then dipped my head a bit low to the ground, at the exact same time too, as I felt like I might be able to get some sleep in this bumpy car that I was in right now.
The music did not bother me at all, as I used it to go to sleep most nights any ways, though it was not this kind of music at all how ever. I laid my head a bit low on the edge of the back seat of the car, as I did my best to try to get my self in a position that was a little bit comfortable at the very least, as I then closed my eyes at the exact same time too. I began to fall in to a little bit of some sleep at the same time as well.
Well of course, that was until I heard the load and annoyed voices of the girls all of the sudden, that woke me out of my slumber all of the sudden, as I turned my head over to them, a bit lost on what it was that was going on in the very first place any ways, as I squinted my eyes over to the girls. I could tell that there was a bit of an upset face on Marion right now, but that was not really what it was that I was focused on right now.
I was more focused on the fact that the girls were a bit upset for some odd reason right now, as I heard them speaking to the guys up at the front, as it seemed like I might have missed some thing that they had done, though I did not see smiles on their faces at all how ever. I was a little bit lost by all of it, as I just stared at the girls for a bit of some time, and I then began to listen as to what it was that they had to say in the very first place any ways.
"Ugh! Are you kidding me! We've lost service!" Rosalinda said, as I saw that there was a big loading bar on what ever app that she was on right at this very moment in time. I looked at her for a few seconds as well, as I did not feel bad for her at all, as to what it was that she had just said in the first place any ways. Instead, I felt a bit happy, if I was not going to lie to my self, as I knew that it meant that every one was now going to have their full attention on each other, for the rest of this trip.
I grinned just a little bit, though I did my best to try to hide it at the exact same time as well, as I could tell that the guys were not all too happy with it either, due to the fact that it meant that their music had now all of the sudden stopped working. I still did not feel bad for them at all how ever, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh at the exact same time too, as I knew that it must mean that we had to be close to the Old Mountain Winter Hunting Grounds, that had been used over 200 years ago, for who knows what.
I moved a bit up in my seat, as I then began to look around out side of the car, to see where it was that we were at, right at this very moment in time, though I felt like a little bit of an idiot right away, as soon as I did such a thing, as for one thing, it was snowing out side right now, which really felt like a bit of the holiday spirit for sure, but also the fact that it was pitch black, which made me feel like a bit of an idiot at the same time too, as I saw from the radio time at the front, that it was nearly 8 pm already, as I knew that we had sat in the car for quite a bit of some time, but I didn't realize that it had already been that long.
I dipped my head a bit low to the ground at the exact same time too, as I felt like, the snow storm might have some thing to do with the fact that the girls had lost connection on their devices right now. I sighed just a bit to my self, as I was quite a bit disappointed by all of it, as I just stared through the window that was right beside me right now, as I felt like I did not have all that much to think on, at this very moment in time any ways, as I just wanted to get to the place.
I blinked a few times, as I gave up on the fact of trying to see any thing out side, after a little while longer, as I knew that the moon was not going to help light up the sky at all right now, due to the fact that I knew that there was a bunch of clouds that were trying to block it. I shook my head, as I then shook off all of those thoughts at the exact same time as well how ever, as I then finally heard the voice of Zachary start to speak up, from the very front of the car.
I was a little bit lost by it, but I did in fact turn my head over to him, as it felt a lot better than staring out through the window right now, as I blinked my eyes just a few times, not all too sure as to what it was that was going on at this very moment in time, if I was going to be completely honest with my self. I let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self how ever, as I shook off all of those thoughts all at once, and I then began to listen as to what it was that Zachary had to say to us in the very first place any ways.
"We lost connection... Because, we are almost there..."

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