chapter 22: hostage

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Today is the day that im going to get to the bottom of this situation. Fucking Rylan.


I watched as Rylan sneakily walked up to an abandoned warehouse.
Where was she going?
i had been following her for the past hour and a half. This is getting weird now.

I watched as she entered the warehouse, looking left and right to make sure jo one had followed her. oh well, i did.

Wait- wait wait wait WHAT?! She just walked into a wall! AND WENT THROUGH IT!
Okay calm down Y/n calm down.


Y/n slowly and cautiously walked through the wall

"oh my god" she whispered to herself. Once she got through, the first thing she saw was Rylan staring her down, smirking evilly.

Rylan quickly wrapped Y/n around with dark magic and trapped her.

Y/n tried to use her magic, but quickly realising that the dark magic was making her incapable of using her magic at this moment.

"Rylan! What are you doing!! WHO MADE YOU LIKE THIS?!!" Y/n screamed in pain as the magic tightened around her, slowly burning her skin, somehow.

"Well i recently came in touch with someone....Agatha Harkness." Rylan replied evilly.

"Agatha? But isn't that who Wanda said she..." Y/n trailed off as she quietened down.

"She taught me all about dark magic, so i could take all of your powers, destroy you and Sylvie, and have Loki for myself." Rylan smirked as she saw Y/n's face darken.

"You can torture me or kill me, just don't hurt any of my friends. Especially Sylvie." Y/n tried to bargain.

"Oh i cant keep that promise." Rylan replied as she stared mixing a pinkish potion is her cauldron.

"Love potion....You're going to use it on Loki aren't you?" Y/n realised.

Rylan nodded as she tightened the grip of her dark magic on Y/n. Y/n screamed in agony as Rylan used her magic to drag her down to her cell, underground.

"You are going to be staying here for the rest of your life, if you don't do what i say." Rylan threatened.

"What. do. you. want." Y/n angrily replied.

"I want you to insert the love potion into Loki's mind."

"Isnt he supposed to drink it?!" Y/n questioned.

"Oh yes, but this potion that im brewing makes someone's mind so in love with you, that they resent everyone who once loved them before."
Rylan replied, nonchalantly.

"That doesn't make sense!" Y/n exclaimed in horror, she couldn't bear to watch Sylvie be resented by Loki. That would be a nightmare.

"Oh but it does! With your magic. I've tried Wanda's magic before but it didnt work. I did some research and found out that your magic had the power to do all of my little experiments."
Rylan sarcastically smiled as she leaned down to Y/n's level

"And now, you are going to work for me" Rylan smirked evilly as she used her dark magic to corrupt Y/n's mind.

"Project #1. Destroy Sylvie Laufeydottir."

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