chapter 28: getaway car

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is it a crime for me to use a taylor swift song for a loki x sylvie songfic to explain their love life?


am i still doing it?



i love getaway car and it literally matches so well with loki x sylvie.
if you dont like it, fight me


no nothing could start in a getaway car

it was the best of times
the worst of crimes

It was such lovely times. Almost died multiple times, but cheated death. So many memories, so much betrayal.

i struck a match and blew your mind
but i didnt mean it
and you didnt see it

It was the day they met. When Sylvie lit up the entire Roxxmart with a vibrant red neon light. When he first saw her. He was awestruck. Absolutely amazed by her powers, how she was; and still is, capable of doing such impressive things. Just to get revenge on a stupid place 

the ties were black
the lies were white
shades of grey in candlelight
i wanted to leave him
i needed a reason

Loki wanted to leave Mobius and the whole TVA behind when he saw her. He needed to figure out what was happening. How this was happening. Hell, how did he even get there? He knew was that he was lied to in the past years, but did he know he was going to be lied to again? No.

x marks the spot
where we fell apart

Lamentis 1. where they fell, and fell apart. A memory that would never be forgotten. Where they both first fell.

he poisoned the well
i was lying to myself

Loki did not even notice that he was lying to himself all along. Feelings, Loki? Really? Or was it all a distraction for her great plan.

i knew it from the first
old fashioned
we were cursed

"We are always destined to lose" Sylvie's words replayed in Loki's head several times. Were they meant to lose? He remembered someone saying that it was in their nature. It was like they were cursed.

we never had a shotgun
shot in the dark

Always had a plan. Almost never took risks. Thats just how they were. Sure, they would take risks from almost dying. But a relationship was a risk they did not want to take.

you were driving the getaway car
we were flying
but we never get far

Every time they would try to escape, or found a way to bring down the whole TVA organisation, their plan would never get far.

dont pretend its such a mystery

Journey into the mystery. When Loki was pruned. Sylvie definitely took a risk of pruning herself. She knew she had to do it. For him. Ravonna knew where the variants went when they were pruned. She shouldn't have pretended she didn't.

think about the place where you first met me.

"You left your glorious purpose there?"
"Something like that"
Loki thought about where he first met Sylvie.
He had truly lost his entire purpose then.

riding in a getaway car

Sylvie ran as fast as she could. The purple cloud was following her. Until she saw a car approach her.

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