Twenty One [Last Chapter 😞👀]

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Karl's POV

It's been a couple months since the whole ordeal with my dad. I'm able to walk on my leg, my doctor only had to come once a week now, and I'm so happy. Me and Nick have been getting closer since the night we kissed. Ammie turned three a couple days ago and over all my life is better then it ever had been. I walked down stairs and looked at the new watch the hanger on my wrist. 7:00am. Nobody's up. I sighed and walked to the living room to watch some TV. I walked into the living room and looked at the couches and jumped. Skeppy and Bad were cuddling asleep on the couch. When the hell did they get here- I stood there confused for a second before deciding not to wake them and get breakfast. I quietly walked over to the kicthen and opened the fridge. Eggs.. umm a couple pieces of bacon.. what the fuck- why is there just a random piece of half eaten pizza sitting here? Seriously we need to go grocery shopping- I grabbed out some eggs and turned around before almost screaming. Whole fuck-
"Did I scare you?" Nick wheezed. I held my hand over my heart and nodded. I signed "we seriously need to go shopping for food and stuff." Nick had been learning sign language for me and he's trying to figure out what I'm saying. He mumbled a couple words under his breath before realizing what I was saying.
"Oh yeah we really do we can go tomorrow"  he waved his hand. I rolled my eyes and thought that's why it never happened cause u always say I'll do it tomorrow. I held up an egg trying to see if he would understand that I was trying to ask him if he wanted one.
"Are u asking if I want one?" I nodded turning around and placing a pan on the stove.
"Sure" he said pulling out his phone.

Nicks POV

He slid the plate of food in front of me before picking up his and coming to sit by me. I slid my phone into my pocket and we began to eat in silence. I saw this flower field the other day and I wanted to take Karl there tonight, I want him to be my boyfriend. I want to be able to call him mine. I want to be able to kiss him every morning. I looked over at him his beautiful multi colored eyes and his pure skin the scars letting you never forget what happened to him.
I mumbled a thank you and smiling before putting my plate is the sink and walking upstairs to my room. I wonder if Techno can watch Ammie tonight.
"Nicky!" Ammie called. Speak of the devil.
"Yeah?" I called back trying to locate her voice. I turned into her room and saw her playing Barbies with Geroge.
"What the hell- when the hell did you get here" I stood in the door way confused.
"Ammie had your phone his morning at like 5am and said there was an emergency but didn't say it was her so I rushed over here and she told me she just wanted to play with someone. She did that to Skeppy and Bad to I think there Sleeping on the Couch" He said keeping his eyes on the barbies I looked at the time on my phone seeing it's 8:30am.
"You have been playing barbies for the past 3 and half hours." I said amazed. Geroge looked over at me. I could see bags forming under his eyes.
"Go home and get some rest" I chuckled.
He nodded getting up we hugging before he left without a word.
"Ammie! Why would u do that!" I scowled.
"I just wanted to play with someone!" She pouted.
"Don't do that again or I will have to take bunny" I threatened. She pouted.
I walked out of her room and up to Technos room. I knocked on the door before hearing a faint come in.  I walked in to see him filling out something at his desk. He didn't look up at me before saying "what do u need?"
"Uh I was wondering if u could watch Amie for a couple hours tonight I want to take Karl to this Flower Filed I saw yesterday" I rambled.
He hummed a yes.
"Seriously! Thanks man!" I smiled and left the room.

It was around seven pm and I haven't told Karl anything I just plan to tell him we're going shopping or something. I looked at my self in the mirror I had a nice t shirt on and some shorts I didn't want to draw suspicion so I didn't dress up to much. I walked down stairs and started to look for Karl. I walked around the house till I found him in the man cave playing with Skeppy on our new pool table.
"Uh Karl do u want to come shopping with me?" I asked liking at Skeppy who knew what was going on.
"You can go I don't mind" Skeppy pointed to me. Karl smiled before placing the pool stick down and walking over to me. We walked up the stairs and out to the car in silence before siding into the car. Should I hold his hand? I mean it's right there? Should I? No- I don't wanna make it awkward- bitch we literally kissed- plus if it does then I won't ask him- fuck it. I thought skidding my hand into his. He looked at me and quickly looked away obviously blushing.  I smirked and squeezed his hand.

This isn't the store? He signed confused. I smiled and got out of the car running around to his side of the car and dragging him out.
"I know" I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the flower field. I pulled him through the small forest we had to past to get to it. Finally- we stopped at the edge of the flower field. He gasped in shock it's so beautiful he signed excited before running out into the middle of it. The stars in the sky slowly started to peer into sight.

We laid in the flower field watched the stars before he sat up and looked at me.
"What?" I ask confused as my anxiety slowly built up inside me for the moment later. We should make flower crowns I used to make them all the time he signed smiling.
"Ok!" I chuckled sitting up. We grabbed our flowers and he started to make his and I sat there confused.
"Wha-" I looked at this then back at mine which just looked like a bunch of dead flowers. He looked at mine and giggled. He showed me how to do it and we finished up your crowns. We put them on before I decided it was time.
"Um Karl." I started. He looked at me curiously.
"I was wondering something-" I took a deep breath. He looked at me in confusion. I looked up at him staring into his beautiful eyes it may being the last time.
I took another deep breath and spit it out "willyoubemyboyfriend (will you be my boyfriend)." I looked away from him embarrassed and scared of what he might say. I felt him embrass me and a coup or minutes he pulled away.

"Yes" his quiet horse voice spoke for the first time in years.

The ENdsDDdDdDxkdkdkfkdjdi.
Omg it's over

Y'all i dont know - it doesn't feel right- this book took me months even though it sucked- WERE DONE! Love y'all <33 i dont have time to review it I'm sorry

WC: 1291

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