Part 7 - Girl talk

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"Madam B, do you think I'm pregnant?"

Madam B turned her head as quickly as the Queen blurts out her question. She stops her hand that was untangling the long black hair of the woman who threatened her just a few months ago. During the King's absence, Madam B had been helping Val so much on her task as a Queen as she's unfamiliar with things of womanly nature. After all, why would her adoptive father, a Commander of an army tell her about any of those. Even she thought it was unnecessary for her to know as she never imagined herself married much less being a mother. Her naivety perplexed her beyond embarrassment. Fortunately she knew who to ask so she did.

"Your Majesty, I don't know how to answer to that" Madam B looks slightly surprised but answered with ethical politeness.

"Well, do I look like I'm pregnant?" hoping for an answer while looking at the middle aged woman through the mirror. Madam B looks at Val's figure trying to figure it out.

Feeling slightly exposed, Val brushed off the idea "Oh never mind"

"When was your last oestrus?" Madam B ask.

Now that she ask, Val noticed something. Something that she should have noticed if she paid more attention to herself and not focus all her energy on governing a nation. "I thought it stops because Orion was hibernating...."

The lines on Madam B's face stretch beyond control, her eyes twinkle with excitement. "Oh my! This is excellent! I'll call the doctor right now"

"No no no! He'll suspect something was up"

Confused, Madam B put the brush down on the table and held Val's shoulder "Your Majesty, if you are indeed pregnant then the King has to know"

"I know. Just not yet, it's still just a hunch and I don't want to get his hopes up" she said and after a thoughtful pause added "Let's visit Dale, she fell from the horse pretty bad yesterday maybe she needs a doctor"


Dale's quarters isn't far, she is after all still a noble amidst being a knight. Val sensed someone else in the room as the sound of chatter could be heard. Coming inside, she sees a familiar blonde hair, Carissa.

There was an awkward silence following her arrival and the guilt of using Dale as cover dissolve into thin air. She'd seen Carissa yesterday after the race though it was like talking to a ghost rather than a friend. She'd refused to talk, didn't respond to anything Val said and only utters one sentence to Orion. "I'll be fine"

Obviously she's not, Val had to keep Orion company last night because he wasn't able to sleep. And that includes brushing his mane and tickling his ears beside getting less sleep. Val saddened at the notion that Carissa wouldn't share her problems with her as she did with Dale, she thought they had become closer.

"Do continue, is there something wrong with me being here?" she said, brushing the uncomfortable feeling.

"Of course not Your Highness, what brings you here?" Dale quickly stood up.

"Oh, I just want to see how you're doing Dale. Are you okay? You took quite a big fall yesterday"

"I'm fine..." Dale replied.

"I don't think you are. I already called the doctor here just in case" she opens the door wider and invite the doctor in.

"But I'm really fine"

Not taking no for an answer, Val lightly pushed the doctor in "I insist"

Dale went away with the doctor, a room divider diminish their noise. Val proceeded inside the room and sit opposite of Carissa. She hasn't said a word since Val arrived, just sipping on her tea, as usual. After a few minutes of silence, she finally decide to look at Val in the eyes, and Val's mouth move before her brain.

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