Ch 9: Lots of thinking and surprises

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As the rain and cloudy weather continued.. Oshawott went into the kitchen to make Emolga and himself breakfast

Emolga walk in "what are you making?" He turned around and smiled "Pancakes and i got some fruit in a bowl over there." He pointed to the bowl of fruit on the table.

Emolga's eyes sparkled "apples!!" Oshawott smirked and giggled "All for you."

She sat down and began to eat the apples fast. Oshawott went back to cooking and thought in his mind about the...ring... the ring that he bought her like 2 mouths ago.. Oshawott snapped out of his deep thoughts and flip the pancake then glancing at Emolga who was enjoying herself...

Which always leaves a smile on his face. "Pancakes are ready." He slipped one on a plate for Emolga and himself. "Thanks Oshy they look so good!!" Emolga began to eat and so did Oshawott. They started laughing and talking about all different things...

When they both finished Emolga decide to take a nap on the couch cause her stomach was hurting a bit and Oshawott was in their bedroom

He went into one of his bags and got the small purple case he was looking for. He sat on the side of the bed and opened the purple case box and inside it was a beautiful ring with s shimmering sliver and had a diamond sparkling with beauty. He look at it and sighed...

"When should i give this to her.." He took it out of the box a held it in his hand. "Wi-will she accept... i mean we both love each other so much.. and were starting a family." He put it back in the box and closed it and placed it on the table.

He then lay down on the bed at put his arms around his head. He started thinking about how he should propose to her then the wedding came into his mind... Emolga wearing a beautiful white dress with white roses around her and her smiling like an angel.

He blushed and smiled to himself. "What a day that would be." He stood up from laying on the bed and took his scalchop and held it in the air. "Today will be the day i will ask Emolga to be my mate, and wife for eternity!"

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