To the Ice Cream Parlor.

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So I rolled.
Because I cannot do much else.
I rolled to the Ice Cream Parlor. I saw the machines that the Director spoke of. They were terrifying. I almost turned away.

But alas! I could not! Dear Boberta with her devilishly rounded looks and her rough Brown skin!
I couldn't let the love of my life service the giant "Creatures Above!" That would be a mess. That was not Berta's destiny! Oh! I love that potato with all of my heart.

There was a fiend too! Oh was he a fiend! He called himself Cole of the Haley's Household and he wielded a knife. He had a menacing look on his face as he made a sound that still gives me chills to. This. Day.


The last sound scared me the most. I still hear it in my darkest dreams. It makes me shiver in revolt. And I start to cry.

I am rolling to the ice cream parlor.
Updates soon.
I must avenge my parents and save my darling Bob!

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