Kai's mission

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Kai pov


As I wake up to see the sun shining in my eyes I decide to suprise everyone with breakfast by me ofc so I start getting up and walking to the kitchen and when I make it there I decided to make pancakes

10 mins later

After making a lot of pancakes I thought of ways of waking them up and the only one that came to my mind was waking them up by banging the pans together so I grab two pans and start banging

Jay pov
Jay: ugh! 7:10am Zane why do we have to wake up
Zane: Jay I'm in bed as well
Cole: ugh! Who making that noise

As they wonders NYA and Lloyd come in are room

NYA: do you know making that noise guys?
Lloyd: yea we come to see if it was any of you guys
Zane: it seems like it's kai because he absent from his bed
Jay: ugh! Kai

As I get up I run out my room to see... Pancakes

Kai: morning Jay :)
Jay: kai....you made this....
Kai: yep and this one is yours just tell everyone one to get downstairs while I get sensei Wu

I walk up stairs to see everyone looking at me

Jay: what?!
Everyone-kai and sensei wu: what did you do to kai!
Jay: chill! He made us breakfast
Everyone-kai and sensei Wu: what! He can cook
Jay: wait nya you didn't know
Nya: no he never told me
Zane: I'm happy we got another good cook
Lloyd: Yaya less of a chance now of having Cole burnt food
Cole: Hey!
Jay: let's go eat guys
Everyone- Kai and sensei Wu: ok

We all go down stairs and sit where are name are placed on and wait for sensei Wu and kai

Kai pov

As me and sensei Wu start heading to the kitchen senesi Wu taps on me so I turn around

Sensei wu: kai I forgot to mention something to you
Kai: what is it sensi?
Sensei Wu: there a mission you been chosen for it's really risky but you been chosen to disguise as one and attend it
Kai: huh?! What even is the thing called sensi
Sensei Wu: hope peaks academy
Kai: that doesn't sound bad sensi though?
Sensei wu: there more to what it seems as there been a bear called monakuma stealing classes and making them kill each other like one class named class 78th
Kai: that's awful but why me?
Sensei Wu: they see that you have potential there so I'm going to give you a fake outfit and name and we will send you off tomorrow
Kai: Tomorrow?!
Sensei Wu: yes kai tomorrow
Kai: could we have a break of training so I can hang out with them for maybe my last time seeing them Sensei?
Sensei Wu: sure kai since you won't be here for much longer I will let you guys off but also they do not have powers like you so you have to keep that an secret and not show anyone
Kai: ok Sensei

We start walking again to the kitchen to see everyone there waiting for us

Jay: you guys took forever
Kai: you guys didn't have to wait for us you know
Everyone- kai and sensei Wu: what?!
Kai: yea but anyways let's eat
Everyone: yea!

After breakfast
Cole pov

Cole: time for training guys...

As we started walking to start training sensei Wu stops us?

Sensei Wu: I decided that you guys can have a break today
Lloyd: really?!
Sensei Wu: yes Lloyd
Lloyd: Yaya
Sensei Wu: but you guys have to hangout with kai and do what he wants
Zane: may I ask why?
Nya: yea what my brother doing that we have to hangout with him I don't mean it in a mean way but why?
Sensei Wu: he will be going on a mission and it's really risky that he may not come back so I want you guys to hangout with him
Lloyd: ok we will make it the best day for kai
Cole: yea
Jay: that right Lloyd

Kai pov

As I was sitting on the couch waiting for at least someone notice me not training Lloyd starts running up to me and hugs me

Kai: whoa! Buddy what you doing
Lloyd: I'm going to miss you kai
Kai: so he told you
Lloyd: *stops hugging him* yea it's sad seeing you have to go so we are going to make this the best day ever for you so you will never forget us
Kai: ok I wait and see

After the whole day ( ok I'm to lazy to write how there whole day went I'm already up to 797 words )

Kai: night guys
Jay, Cole and Zane: night kai we will miss you
Kai: *whispers* me to

30 mins later

I go out of my room to see sensei Wu having my outfit and name all done already and I look like this which is not like me at all but hey is not bad it could of been worse

I go out of my room to see sensei Wu having my outfit and name all done already and I look like this which is not like me at all but hey is not bad it could of been worse

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The only thing questionable was the wig but hey is not the worse I seen so I start heading my room but I see Lloyd and I was shock since he is would be in room

Kai: Lloyd what are you doing here
Lloyd: I'm just still sad that your leaving
Kai: Lloyd... I will promise you that I will come back it may take an year or more but I will come back I promise ok?
Lloyd: pinkie promise?
Kai: *laughs a bit* pinkie promise
Lloyd: I'm going to go now bye 👋🏻
Kai: bye Lloyd 👋🏻


I wake up to see sensei Wu next to me which scared me a bit

Sensei Wu: it's time for you to get dressed kai or should I now say hajime Hinata
Kai: ok Sensei Wu

After i get dressed

I finished changing looking like this

I finished changing looking like this

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Damm I looked good 😜💅 

As I start walking out Sensei Wu comes up to me but he was crying which made me sad because I never seen him cry before which means this is really important to him

Sensei Wu: it's sad seeing you go.... But your going to help people so.... Make me proud kai Smith but get used to your self as hajime Hinata
Kai: um sensei Wu where is this hopes peaks academy at by the way?
Sensei Wu: in Japan kai ( there in China in my au idk where they live in Ninjago so yea )
Kai: ok..... So I won't be able to just bump into them but that ok Sensei I should be packing now
Sensei Wu: ok kai I will leave you to pack your stuff up

After packing up

As I finished packing my stuff I go down the stairs ready to leave but a car shows up but that was fine since sensei comes to me and says they where I will go in so I start walking and waving bye 👋🏻 one last last time before I will go to this hope peaks academy....
1200 words

kai Smith as hajime Hinata Where stories live. Discover now