Bonus Content: Five Random Facts

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· Lyra loves to read and has, on more than one occasion, walked into a wall while reading. She has spent many rainy nights with her nose in a book and a hot chocolate on her night stand, reading into the early hours.

· Lyra's favourite ice cream flavour is toffee with caramel sauce.

· Lyra's number one fear is losing the people closest to her. She hates the thought of one day having to live without them and strives to keep them safe.

· Lyra is a vivid dreamer. She can remember most of them, right down to the smallest of details. Sometimes she enjoys it, especially if it's a dream that made her feel happy, but after almost losing her father, and with her mother missing, her dreams tend to play on those fears and the happy dreams are rare.

· Lyra's middle name is Ingrid, after her maternal grandmother.


· Hunter loves memes and has a stash of them saved on his PDA. Sometimes, he will casually slip them into conversations to see if anybody notices.

· Hunter has a pair of lucky socks. They were the pair he was wearing when he was told his mother would recover from her illness. He has worn them since when he's needed a bit of luck.

· Whenever Hunter is upset, he uses jokes to hide it. Lyra, Cassidy, and Samuel learned early on in their friendship that he does this, and made an effort to distinguish when he is in a jovial mood and when he's upset.

· Hunter has a little teddy bear that his sister made for him when they were younger. He always keeps it in his pocket, and took it to 4546B with him.

· Hunter gives the best massages. He may look tall and muscular, but he is incredibly gentle.


· Cassidy can play the electric guitar. She started lessons when she was nine, and has multiple guitars. Her favourite is the one her grandfather designed for her.

· Cassidy was a top student in school, and was particularly skilled in Mathematics.

· Cassidy is the only one out of the four friends who isn't afraid of spiders and has been called upon on numerous occasions to remove creepy crawlies from her friends' rooms.

· Cassidy is a fantastic story-teller. One Halloween at the academy, she decorated her bedroom with paper pumpkins and candles, and spent hours telling the others spooky stories.

· Cassidy never had any pets growing up, but if she could get one, she'd get a cockatoo and call him Charlie.


· Samuel is a huge Tolkien fan. His prized possession is a collector's copy of The Hobbit that Hunter got him for his birthday. His favourite characters are Merry and Pippin.

· Samuel has flowing, cursive handwriting, and he has made a lot of people jealous with it.

· Samuel's laugh is extremely sweet sounding and contagious.

· Samuel's favourite scent is lavender. He gets everything he can in that scent. Shower wash, candles, fabric sprays. Everything. It soothes him. Hunter, Cassidy, and Lyra were quick to pick up on it, and when he is anxious, they will give him lavender scented gifts to calm him.

· Samuel really enjoys puzzle games. At the academy, he organised murder mystery nights. Hunter would make up elaborate theories, Cassidy would look at things logically, and Lyra would always try to work from a psychological angle. Samuel usually figured it all out first, but he always played along with the theories of the others so they could play longer and encourage them towards the right answers. 


Hello, wonderful readers! I hope you're all doing well. 

Thank you for sticking with Subnautica: Echoes. It's been a little while since I announced the bonus content, but I hope to be able to release new short stories and little pieces of information like the five random facts every few weeks or so. It means a lot to have people regularly reading this story, and voting and commenting too. The feedback is super helpful and encouraging, and I am very grateful for you all. 

Bonus content aside, I have some news on the sequel: it's all planned and it's much bigger than Echoes! As it stands at the moment, there will be 39 chapters and an epilogue. I'm still working on my Among Us fanfiction, but once that is done, the Echoes sequel is next on my list. 

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