First day off class

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Back to the routine, during the previous week they left everything ready, books, material, clothes ... They cut their hair and the girls did a facial treatment and fixed their nails to go perfect to school and the law firm

The alarm clock rang at 6 in the morning, Cheryl quickly turned off the alarm and lay back on the bed, back to the routine, the redhead thought.-Toni, we have to get up.-she murmured

"Mmm ... I don't want to." Toni murmured, hugging her closer, making the redhead smile. Cheryl turned in her arms and looked at her wife with a smile on her lips. Toni opened her eyes a little and smiled when she saw her, the redhead gave her a sweet kiss on the lips and moved away.-Do you know what I like least about going back to the routine?.- Toni said with her raspy voice

Cheryl shook her head.- no, what?.- said stroking her hair

Toni closed her eyes for that caress and opened them again to look into her eyes, Cheryl´s face was soft and rested.-Not being able to wake up next to you every day.-she said smiling at the end making Cheryl smile widely.

-I don't like getting up without staying snuggled to you.- Cheryl confessed, that was the worst thing to get out of bed, give up the warmth of her wife and the comfort of the bed to train and go to work

-Then we have to take advantage.- Toni said hugging Cheryl, getting a little on top of her while giving her kisses on the neck, that made the redhead giggle, Toni pulled away a little and looked at her, Cheryl covered her mouth with her hand, it was something early and they did not want to wake up their children, together they began to laugh trying not to laugh too loud, they stayed a couple of minutes in bed hugging and making out

-We have to get up.- Cheryl murmured on her lips, if they continued like this, deepening more and more her kisses they knew they wouldn´t stop.- Come on.- she said giving her one last kiss and using all her strength in the world not to stay like that, she push Toni away a bit and they got out of bed

They showered quickly trying to contain themselves as they were both a bit horny from the kissing session they just had, it was difficult for both of them but they succeeded. And while Cheryl was getting ready Toni came down to make breakfast

-Good morning.-she said softly as she passed by Beatrice and Jason's rooms, they smiled at her and they were almost ready, they said good morning and Toni went to Maddie's room, woke her up gently and immediately the redhead began dress. Now Toni went down to make breakfast

After a few minutes Cheryl came down the stairs with Rose asleep in her arms and Thomas came down scratching his eye. As Toni already had everything ready, they didn't waste time, they sat down to breakfast as a family, when Toni finished breakfast, she went to do makeup since her wife was already ready and Rose and Thomas were still having breakfast.

-We're going to be late.-Cheryl said going upstairs with her two small children, as they are always so asleep that it takes a long time to eat breakfast.

-Leave it to me, babe.-said Toni since she had already finished and knew that she managed better with the little ones, Cheryl did not protest gave it to Rose and Toni quickly helped them to dress and wash, in less than 15 minutes they were ready and in the car to Cheryl's surprise

-I don't know how you do it.-said Cheryl getting into the passenger seat just at 7.35

-Experience, babe.-said Toni getting into the driver's seat.-Let's go for the first day of school.-she said animatedly looking in the rear-view mirror at her children, Rose was settling in her chair to go back to sleep, Thomas was squinting on the verge of falling asleep, Beatrice and Jason were wide awake and Maddie was chatting on her phone

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