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Beatrice got up to the bathroom in the middle of the night, when she went out she found her little sister Rose on the way to Cheryl and Toni’s room, the redhead stopped her for a moment -Where are you going so early?.- the redhead asked whispering

-I had a bad dream with a monster.-she said hugging her teddy bear

Beatrice saw her sister's sad face and it broke her heart, she didn’t like to see her like this .-Oh .. come here.-she said taking her in her arms, Beatrice led her to her room where her little sister had her drawing lamp on.-Nothing happens .-Said sitting on her bed without removing her sister from her arms

-But I'm scared.-she said with a low voice

-I'm here, nothing is going to happen to you.-said Beatrice trying to calm her sister.-It's just a dream, it's not true.-she said stroking her hair

-There was a big and hairy monster.-she said looking into her eyes, she meant it seriously

Beatrice thought for a moment about how to help her sister and remembered how her brother Jason ...

-I don't want you to go.-Jason said between tears looking at mama

-I have to go and keep the monster away.-Mama said making Jason cry again, I was hugging Mommy and she hugged me just as tightly, I felt safe. From where I was I could see how Mama thought.-Besides… mama has a remedy for monsters.-she said quickly making me feel a strange thing in my stomach

-Which one?.- I asked, wiping my face with my hand, I had been crying because the monster had scared me and because Mama wanted to face him, I started crying like Jason I didn't want anything to happen to Mama

-I have a liquid that scares them and makes them not appear again.-said mama, I relaxed a little and I moved slightly away from mommy to look better at mama

-You know, when I was your age I used to have nightmares with monsters and you know what Mama and Mommy did?.- She asked softly. Rose shook her head. "Use the anti monster spray." Beatrice said smiling slightly.

-Do we have an anti-monster spray?.- Rose asked slightly smiling at the possibility of having something that would scare them away.

-Mama has a spray that scares them and they never come back.- Beatrice said smiling as her sister's eyes widened with emotion.-Do you want us to scare them away?

-Yes !! .- she said a little loudly, the redhead put a finger on her lips, she did not want to wake up the rest of her family, she took her sister in her arms, they went down the stairs and went directly to the kitchen where Beatrice left her sister on the floor a moment as she found the spray

-Here it is.-she said taking the famous spray in her hands, she took her sister again and they went back up to the room, avoiding Crispis who had laid down in the middle of the stairs.-Very good.-said Beatrice leaving her sister on the floor.-Now the fun begins.-she said closing the door of her little sister´s room a little

-Under the bed mama.- I cheered mama I felt very happy a few minutes ago I was having a hard time for the monster but not now. Mama listened to me, dropped to the ground and started shooting the liquid under Jason's bed. I smiled, it seemed funny to me and I wanted to help her, I threw myself on the ground with her and started to help her, Mama let me take the spray with my little hands and Mama put hers on top to help me hold the bottle better and together we continued to spread the liquid

Beatrice smiled at the memory they had spent many nights scaring monsters with her mother.- We have to spread it throughout the room, You help me?.- She asked smiling, Rose nodded, left her teddy bear on the bed and helped her sister, the redhead let her take the spray and then she put her pale hands on top of her sister's small and brown ones and together they began to spread the anti monster spray, Beatrice was surprised to see how brave her little sister is, the redhead thought she was going to be more uneasy but it was the opposite.

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