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{Movement or action}



Monday at UA Ground Gamma. Class 1-A, Class 1-B and some of the UA teacher [All Might, Vlad King, Midnight and Eraserhead] was listening to Principal Nezu's announcement and information about to the next battle and rescue training, when suddenly an unknown person walked into the room and smiled at them. They notice it quickly because of the strange presence that they felt. It struck fear to their heart, most of the individual inside of the room can't move except Izuku Midoriya. He quickly started to power up his quirk and moved to battle stance, ready to fight and protect all individual in the room. The next thing they saw and hear is a heartfelt chuckled, darkness succumbed them. When they open their eyes, everyone is standing in a white and empty room. The students start to panic especially Mineta because they can't still move and use their quirk. The teachers try to pacify the students but it fails.

<Mineta>: Heeeeeeeelllppp!!! I don't wonna die. At least lemme see and touch first the boobs of the girls before I die

<Girls>: Minetaaaa we will kill you, grapist!!!!!! {angry tone}

<Katsuki>: Aggrrhh!!! I can't still move and use my quirk. Who the fuck did this, show yourself mother fucker!!!!!

<Iida>: Everyone don't panic and Bakugo stop cursing.

<Katsuki>: Fuck you four eyes!!!

<Kirishima & Testsu tetsu>: This is not manly!

<Nezu, All Might & Eraser>: Students calm down!!!

<Midnight>: They are not listening and we can't still move.

<Vlad>: Also our quirk is not working.

The only thing that stops the growing commotion is when they heard the booming voice of Izuku.

<Izuku>: EVERYONE CALM DOWN!!!! (while in battle stance)

Now all of them calmed from panicking and saw that Izuku is the only one who can move and use quirk freely. Students and Teachers notice that he is on battle stance ready to fight and thinking what to do without agitation to make sure that he will not fail to protect them. Students whom fall panic to the situation earlier felt ashamed.

<All Might>: Thank you young Midoriya for calming down your fellow students and protecting us.

<Most of students>: Sorry Midoriya/Izuku/Zuku/Zuzu/Deku-kun. {except Bakugo}

No response from Izuku whom still looking on empty space in front of them. Then suddenly he talked but he is talking to the empty space in front of them.

<Izuku>: Stop hiding, I know you are there. I felt your gaze and ominous aura that you omitting. {brave tone}

Hearing this it makes the teacher and students alert and felt fear again. Then in the blink of their eyes, now there's man standing in front of them whom looked like in 30's, wearing a simple black hooded cloak and holding a staff.

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