Chapter 1 Found

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  A young Kirin ran behind another building as the large alicorn chased her. Her heart pounded and her lungs wheezed. The filly leapt out of hiding, running as fast as her short legs could carry her. The alicorn leapt in front of her with the use of his wings and blocked her path. The filly came to sliding stop right before the majestic stallion. His large wings folded to his sides and a wicked smirk grew in his face. The filly screamed in terror and tried running the other way, only to be lifted by a dark aura.

  Rather than screaming, she started growling and blowing what tiny bit of fire she could manage. She stopped with the fire after her second try, too tired to even manage a small puff of smoke.

  She realized that this was going to be the end of her, and stopped struggling. The alicorn pinned her to a building nearby and started charging up a powerful spell. Right before the alicorn was cast the spell, an eagle claw appeared and canceled out the magic, knocking the alicorn out as this happened. The claw disappeared and the filly didn't see the owner of it.

  Instead of shouting and attracting unwanted attention to herself, the filly wrote 'Thank you' on the wall of the building with a charcoaled stick that was on the ground not far away from where she had been pinned.

  Dropping the stick, she turned and ran to look for a new hiding place. The tall alicorn had found her previous one and attacked. She ran for about half an hour before stopping beside a large bush. To exhausted to care, she crawled in the bush and fell alseep.


 The young kirin wandering tests different places searching for shelter. After about an hour of searching she  finds the perfect place. As she enter she sees another kirin, young like herself but red instead of blue her hair looked of red and black fire. As the blue kirin observes the red kirin, she awakens.

The red kirin yawns then sees her intruder "who are you to enter my hiding place, LEAVE!"  the red one whispers in terror scared the other kirin was used to sniff her out by the alicorns. The blue kirin starts to plead with the other.

"Please let me stay the alicorns found my hinding spot and now i don't have anywhere else to go, Please." the blue kirin is weeping by the end of her statement. The red kirin feels sympathy for the other. 

"You know," the red kirin starts " there is power in each name, mine is Scarlet Menace." Scarlet states mader of factly."Call me Scar." 

"M-mine is Dangerous Invasion, some call me Invanger but i guess you could call me Invy."

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