"Princess Celestia, Princess Twilight Sparkle has reported that there are demon ponies in Ponyville. She requests your presence as soon as you can get there." A royal guard reported to the white alicorn.
Celestia frowned and said, "Tell the rest of the guards and staff that I shall be in Ponyville for the rest of the day."
The guard nodded with a bow and ran off. Celestia teleported to Princess Luna's room and nudged her sister. The dark blue alicorn awoke from a light sleep with glare aimed at the older alicorn.
"Why do you wake Us at this hour?" Luna complained, used to sleeping during the day, so for her this was rather late.
"Come, Luna. Twilight has reported some demon ponies in Ponyville. We need to see that they are taken care of." Celestia said. At the mention of 'demon ponies' Luna was very much awake and ready to go.
"Then let us leave at once." Luna said as she started walking to her balcony with Celestia following. Both spread their wings and took off into the air, heading to Ponyville.
"Did you really have to lock us up?" A blue Kirin with green eyes asked the purple princess and she paced in front of the cells she had placed to Kirins in until the older princesses got there.
"Yes! You two are demon ponies that try killing everypony in sight!" Twilight exclaimed, rather stressed.
"How many times do have to tell you that we are not demon ponies. Invy and I are Kirins. Then again, I doubt you would know because you alicorns have completely wiped our kind out in the Kirin Genocide." A red Kirin in the cell next the blue one said.
"Like Scar said, we are Kirins. K-I-R-I-N. Kirin, not demon. To think someponies praised you for your smarts." Invanger insulted. Just as she finished saying that, a royal guard with blue mane entered the dungeon that was more like a room.
"The princesses have arrived, your majesty." He said.
"Thank you, Flash Sentry. Escort them to the throne room while I bring these two there." Twilight said. Flash gave a slight bow and left. Once he was gone, Twilight unlocked both cells at the same time and attempted a threat, "Come on. Don't try anything or so help me I will blast your horns off."
"Okay." Scarlet replied with a shrug, not bothered at all by the threat.
"Although it would be easier to just kill us." Dangerous Invasion said with a smirk. Twilight growled, but didn't say anything, knowing one of them would be able to easily beat it with something better.
The three of them walked in silence to the throne room where the two princesses and elements of harmony were waiting. Some guards opened the doors for the princess and Kirins. All the elements save for twilight were in their thrones and the princesses had some comfortable chairs.
Creatures of Mischief
FantasyA young pair of kirin masterminds found each other as fillies after the kirin genocide cause by the alicorn race Discord takes them in to teach them the wonders of chaos. Discord asks a close friend in the Crystal Empire for a safe haven to keep the...